Chapter 4 : Hogwarts Express

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A few weeks later Celestia was waiting at St. Peter's Graveyard, her Trunk filled with every single item that had once been in her lonely prison cell.

Tom and she had agreed that it would be best to pack everything and take it with them to Hogwarts since she would be able to move into Pendragon castle on her Yule break, and it would make things easier.

Though it was a hassle to get every device and electronic gadget inside without accidentally breaking or damaging any of them.

She would eat an entire broomstick before letting her life work get even a single scratch near it.

And unlike before Professor Flitwick would not be the one to bring her to King's Cross Station.

He had told her that it would be a surprise as to who would come and pick her up and requested for her not use her Sight to find out, which she promised not to do after seeing the part-Goblin teacher's excitement.

,, Whoever is getting us, they sure are taking their time....." She muttered, glancing at her Pocket-Watch, Chrome making a noise of agreement from her shoulder, at which she smiled the tiniest bit, returning her focus back on the book in her lap.

It was Morgan Le Fay's personal journal, filled with Curses, Potion recipes, and Dark Spells, as well as other information gathered over the many years of her life.

Celestia had found out a lot about her family because of it, and she felt a personal connection to the late Queen of Avalon, not only because she bore a name in memory of her, but also the fact that she feared for her own life, her youngest brother Arthur always having been favored over her by their father since he was born with a bloody cock between his legs, and the fact he was the only normal child born to the late King.

Morgan had been the one to take care of and raise her other two younger siblings, Eve and Xavier, both having lost their Father's favor after they started showing signs of being... different... like their older sister.

She had been the one who taught them, not minding the fact that Eve's Core was More Light orientated, or that Xavier was unable to use Magic unless it concerned a Weapon.

She loved her siblings, even Arthur who was the only one of the four who held no Magic in him, and that was what made Celestia admire her.

And so she continued reading, patiently waiting for whoever was going to get her.


All the while Narcissa Malfoy née Black, her husband Lucius Malfoy, and their son Draco Malfoy were walking towards the orphanage, ready to pick up their niece/cousin that their family had searched for so long......

Arcturus Black was close behind, his Charge Regulus next to him, with Xavier Lestrange following..

Narcissa had been in denial after Fillius Flitwick had arrived at their doorstep, informing her that Celestia had been found..

Who wouldn't be in her position ?

For ten years they had searched for the little girl, hoping and praying to Mother Magic that she was alive and well...But they had not been able to find a single trace of her on this God-forsaken Planet.

Lucius, Arcturus, and other family members had multiple times begged the Potters to tell them where they had left her, but they had always shrugged them off, telling them that she was safe and somewhere where she would be treated right.

Even Amelia Bones, Head of the DMLE could not help them, the information having been categorized as sealed by Albus Dumbledore.

Their family hated that Old Goat even more for that.

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