Chapter 10 : The first Quidditch Game

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As they entered November, the weather turned very cold. The mountains around the school became icy gray and the lake was like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost. Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch field, bundled up in a long moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves, and enormous beaverskin boots.

Quidditch season had begun.

And today was the very first game of the Season, Gryffindor against Slytherin.

Why they were always paired together was beyond questionable, but Celestia refused to let Dumbledore get to her.

She had friends in both Slytherin and Gryffindor, which is why Susan, Hannah, and she had decided to wear the House colors together and not play favorites.

Had they done so they would have never heard the end of it from Fred and George.

And so they met at the Ravenclaw stands, the boys eyeing them curiously as they arrived.

,, Is something wrong ?" Hannah asked, tilting her head.

,, No....." Hunter said, looking at them closely. ,, Just the colors of your ribbons kinda got mixed up."

Susan and Hannah rolled their eyes, of course, Hunter wouldn't understand.

,, It's called being fair. We can't just cheer for Slytherin, you know? Fred and George are also playing!" Susan said, the two girls making sure to get their message across to Hunter, Blaise, and Theo looking on in amusement, not sorry in the least.

The boy was lucky Aiden was not present, or else he would have been thrown on the Pitch and left there by the blonde.

,, I see that you've been influenced as well." Regulus said, appearing next to Celestia, the girl turning to him with a small smile and a nod of her head.

,, Yes, though I must say that Red and Gold aren't my colors..." She said, chuckling as she fiddled with her braided hair, which held a Golden Ribbon, a Red one next to it.

Whenever she touched it, it would change into a beautiful Silver and dark Green.

Regulus wouldn't admit it, but he quite liked the sight of her wearing the Slytherin colors.

Noticing himself beginning to stare he coughed into his hand, quickly looking away with a faint dust of pink covering his cheeks, going unnoticed by Celestia. ,, I see....."

,, Susan and Hannah even managed to get Chrome into one." She said, motioning towards the Niffler sitting on her shoulder.

Chrome sat there, his arms crossed in dissatisfaction, a Bowtie in the usual Slytherin colors around his fluffy neck.

The boy rose an eyebrow, amused, which earned him a sharp glare from the Niffler.

,, Now Regulus, don't provoke him." A very familiar voice said, making the two turn around.

,, Grandfather? / Lord Black ?" They both asked, spotting no other than Arcturus Black walking towards them, Xavier Lestrange following close behind.

,, Xavier and I have been searching for you.. Draco kindly informed us that you must be at the Ravenclaw stands." He said Regulus was able to tell that Draco must have been as pale as a ghost when he saw the two males.

,, Grandfather, it's nice to see you." Celestia greeted, Xavier, smiling the tiniest bit as he gently patted her head. ,, It is good to see you as well, Celestia."

The others watched, quite confused about who exactly those two men were....

Celestia and Regulus noticed this and were quick to introduce them, the group responding with respect to the two Lords.

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