Chapter 42 : The Angel who is protected by the Devil

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Late in the Night as everyone had fallen into a deep slumber Celestia once again found herself sitting in her aunt's old Chambers, fingers gliding over the many pages of Parchment sitting on top of the Oaktree desk....books about the past Monarchs and Royal family members stacking themselves up to her workspace.

And it all had to do with the Letter from the Pollarius family.

, He's a smart and cunning individual, I'll give him that....' She thought, the thunder outside roaring as her golden eyes focused on her Le Fay Ladyship ring. , Contacting me mere days after my thirteenth birthday while being aware of my past........ It's not a bad move to pull.'

Celestia knew that keeping herself away from the spotlight would only get her so far until someone would eventually take notice of her and try to do something stupid, but she could admit that she was quite disappointed by the fact that it was a member of the Pollarius family out of all people.

Alexandros had written her, asking for an urgent audience concerning their families past agreements......

He was most likely hoping for her to take one of his children as her spouse so that his family name could regain its former stability and favor.

Alone the thought of marrying anyone but Regulus made her feel disgusted, so that was definitely not happening..

, But even if he thinks I'm naive, knowing him he already has a back-up plan to make me agree........' She thought, eyebrow twitching in annoyance.

Why did adults always have to be the ones causing the ruckus that came barging into her otherwise peaceful life.....

Sometimes she wanted to pull a Tom and go on a killing spree, starting with a certain goat resembling Headmaster.

, Killing him is definitely not the way to go... Though I get why Tom started getting thirsty for blood if this is what he had to deal with.' She thought, wanting nothing more than to Avada Kedabra the new nuisance interrupting her already complicated plans.

Letting out a tired sigh she glanced at the framed picture of her aunt Violet standing next to a faintly smiling Regulus Black which stood at one of the corners of the desk........

She had to admit when she first saw the many pictures of Violet and Regulus she could understand why so many people compared her and Reg to their two deceased family members....

Same facial features, same hair, almost the same expressions.............

If she had to guess then they would probably look almost identical to the young couple in the picture in just a few years.......

But she did find things that made her and Regulus different from the two.

For one, her Regulus had darker hair than his uncle, and it was a bit more curled at the end. His eyelashes were longer, his skin paler... And the main difference lay within their eyes.

While his uncle held grey eyes that looked like a brewing storm and held a light flicker of hope in them, Regulus' eyes were similar to stone. Cold, calculating, and mysterious, they liked switching colors whenever he felt emotional, something Celestia found especially funny to witness after they kissed.

Regulus looked quite handsome with bubblegum pink hair and yellow eyes as she found out.

Her eyes wandered to the young witch at the male's side. She had a small smile plastered on her face, looking just like one would expect from a princess. Posture perfect, stance correct and modest.......

She was what the people should think of when they talked about the Royal family.

And Celestia truly admired her aunt for that.

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