Chapter 66 : The day Draco was turned into a Ferret

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The storm had blown itself out by the following morning, though the ceiling in the Great Hall was still gloomy; heavy clouds of pewter gray swirled overhead as Celestia, Aiden and Hunter examined their new course schedules at breakfast.

,, Today looks pretty good." said Hunter smiling, as they compared everything with their schedule from last year. ,, Herbology with Slytherin and Transfiguration with Hufflepuff..... What a nice start to the week."

,, Double Arithmancy this afternoon." said Aiden, grinning.

Arithmancy was probably the favorite shared subject those three had together with their friends, for one simple reason.

Their Professor, Septima Vector.

Professor Vector had a no-go policy for anyone dancing out of the line of her lessons, and most lessons created by the witch involved very grey, borderline dark course materials, which nobody would ever notice unless they spend years studying the subject.

Celestia had almost jumped in her seat in glee as she realized what the witch was doing, and Professor Vector knew that their group now knew too of her little secret, which is why she liked them the most, and also challenged them the hardest.

Honestly, she should have expected that they wouldn't say no to a challenge like that, especially with someone like Celestia in their group.

There was a sudden rustling noise above them, and a hundred owls came soaring through the open windows carrying the morning mail. Instinctively, Celestia looked up, and held her arm out, just as Jade came flying towards them with a package and several letters in her hold..

,, Good girl...." praised the half-Veela, as she offered her a goblet of water and small pieces of fruit, which the Owl happily accepted.

,, A package..?.... Who send it ?" asked Aiden, curiously glancing at her mail as he patted his Barred Owl, Dorothy, who was trying to get his attention.

,, I don't know....." she answered, trying to look for the name of the sender......

The entire package looked a bit dirty and burnt out from its long journey in the sun.....

, Who could have possibly....-!' On the side of it, covered by sand and dust was s symbol she hadn't seen in years..............

,, We will see each other much sooner than you might think, little Star...."

A grin slipped onto her face as she realized just who had sent her this package......

,, I think it's someone 'Tia knows, from how she suddenly got all giddy." said Hunter, raising his eyebrow at the white-haired witch.

Celestia without a moment of hesitation got to her feet, startling Jade who was still sitting on her shoulder, and the two boys watching her on the opposite side of the table.

She took ahold of the package and her mail, and quickly went in the direction of the doors, calling over her shoulder ,, I'll see you later!" as she left them to stare after her figure in confusion........

,, ... What just happened..?..." asked Hunter turning to Aiden.

,, I have no idea......" replied the male, dumbfounded.


Their confusion lasted up until all the way across the sodden vegetable patch until they arrived in greenhouse three, where Celestia had returned to be her usual self, as she walked next to Regulus and Blaise, her hand intertwined with that of her boyfriend, as they chatted about their mornings.

It was most definitely concerning, but they knew Celestia would tell them soon, so they tried their hardest to not make their suspicions and worry obvious.

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