Chapter 99 : Congratulations

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Harry couldn't put into words the emotions he was experiencing as the final verdict was spoken. Relief, Happiness, Shock, Worry, Fear..... They were all very much present, as he remained sitting where he was in the chained chair. The Wizengamot were all getting to their feet, talking, gathering up their papers, and packing them away. Harry stood up. Nobody seemed to be paying him the slightest bit of attention, except the toadlike witch on Fudge's right, who was now gazing down at him instead of at Cronus or Xavier. Ignoring her, he tried to catch Fudge's eye, or Madam Bones's, wanting to ask whether he was free to go, but Fudge seemed quite determined not to notice Harry and Madam Bones was busy with her briefcase...

Noticing his inner conflict, Lord Lestrange placed a kind, yet firm hand on the young Gryffindor's shoulder and said. ,, Come now, Harry.... I'm sure my granddaughter would enjoy getting to talk to you, after such an eventful morning..."

Harry, glad to have an excuse to finally leave, nodded his head and followed after the two men, right to the office Ace had returned to earlier.....

Once inside, he immediately met the gaze of his cousin, who was sitting in one of the armchairs closest to the fireplace, her gloved hands elegantly folded on top of her lap and her back kept straight. Regulus was standing directly behind her, holding the little boy he had noticed earlier against his side and entertaining him by letting some of his black curls switch colors every few seconds, as Chrome tried to grab onto them in mild curiosity. Fenris sat at Celestia's feet and remained unwavering as he kept his attention on his Mistress.

They made for quite the imposing sight, their dark Aura's singing a song of destruction, with death marking its path.....

Yet the feeling of unease that had originally krept onto Harry was almost immediately dispelled by the kind smile the white-haired witch sent his way, her bi-colored eyes soft and inviting.

Before he knew what he was doing, Harry's feet had taken him directly to his cousin, and he wrapped his arms around her taller frame with a beaming smile across his face, clutching onto her as she gave a small laugh at his reaction to it all.

,, Thank you..." he said, leaning away slightly so that they could look at each other. ,, I probably would have never gotten out of this if it hadn't been for you! I-I don't know what to say besides Thank you!"

He was speaking the truth. Without Celestia's influence and spies lurking in every corner of the Ministry, the Gryffindor was certain this hearing would have followed a much different route than it did, and he also would not have been granted his wish of continuing his schooling at Hogwarts.

,, It was of little trouble, cousin." answered the half-Veela, already having grown used to his spontaneous hugs. ,, You are kin, and though not related directly through blood are a member of our family, which means we will protect you."

Draco, who was sitting in one of the near armchairs inwardly rolled his eyes, trying his best to make himself comfortable, even though Hunter and Ace were leaning against the chair's sides and taking most space with it. ,, Yes.... Though as the elder cousins it usually falls into our hands to protect the younger ones....."

The Slytherin found it pathetic how Celestia, as the youngest member of their family ( excluding the younger twins, who only just had joined them ) had to constantly save Harry from his problems. It usually piled another stressful workload on his already exhausted and incredibly hardworking cousin, who should have been allowed to rest.

Alas, she had too much of a kind heart and cared about the people in her life, which gladened him, though it also made him feel incredibly overprotective of her.

Whenever he looked at her, he couldn't help but picture that sickly and frail ten-year-old little girl whose smile seemed to be permanently forced onto her pale face......

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