Chapter 96 : The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

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Celestia, as she stared at her reflection in the mirror of her bathroom, couldn't help but frown as she traced her scarred fingers across the skin of her collarbones, before letting them drop down to her chest, a sigh leaving her lips as she spotted the faint green glow of her necklace...

It had been glowing green for the better part of this morning, something that reflected the uneasy mood she had found herself in, and didn't particularly enjoy.

Green usually meant something bad was to come in the near future, and the half-Veela didn't want to find out how soon it would happen, nor what volume it would take on in the long run.

Her golden eyes reflected its color, an almost mocking voice whispering into her ears as she thought about what might change.....

The Ancient One would surely know how to deal with this unease....... She had always been a voice of reason in her life and remained calm even in the most complicated of situations, something Celestia admired greatly in the older woman.

She had taken care of her as a young girl, personally trained her and taught her their ways, and never failed to encourage her to believe in her own strengths...

At some point in her childhood, she would have gladly stayed in Nepal permanently, but HYDRA had its claws sunk everywhere, and they wouldn't risk one of their most valuable prisoners escaping.

By the time she had managed to kill the Scientists in charge of this specific facility and reported herself to have died of lung disease to the higher officials, she had already gotten her first Vision of Hogwarts, so she made the decision to stay...

Still, this woman had carried her around as they watched the Masters train, and gently healed her bruises and took care of her wounds, becoming somewhat of a second mother to her.

, ...Nothing will ever be easy.... The only thing I can do now is to wait and make sure no one dies in the foreseeable future....' thought the witch, sighing, as she turned her head towards a certain individual that had Oh so kindly sneaked into the bathroom.

,, You do realize that most women would scream bloody murder if a man sneaked into their private Quarters when they are changing, right?" asked the half-Veela, Hunter who was leaning against the wall only offering her a shrug as he walked up to her.

,, Most women, yes, but-" he said, grabbing a brush from her dresser and gently turning her back around so that she was facing the mirror once more. ,, you aren't exactly normal, nor is it the first time that I have seen you in just your bra and panties, plus you were taking too long."

If they hadn't been best friends she would have smacked him.

, I might do so anyways.' thought the girl rolling her eyes, as she asked. ,, And what might be of such importance that you couldn't wait another ten minutes for me to finish?"

The Ravenclaw carefully separated her white curls into different sections, answering. ,, Well... several things, but I have two that I think you might have wanted to hear before the others."

Not hearing any words of disagreement he continued speaking. ,, The first one is that Susan called. It seems like a date for Harry's trial has been set.." he took some chrysanthemums and weaved them into her unfinished braid. ,, Two days from now. It will be held before the Wizengamot in the early afternoon and is expected to last for an hour."

Raising an eyebrow she asked. ,, The Wizengamot? Is Fudge trying to intimidate Harry or does he seriously expect any of the members to be on his side when he is trying to expel a boy for a singular case of underage use of Magic?"

Even with the articles in the Daily Prophet, where both Harry's and Dumbledore's reputations got dragged through the mud, most of the Chamber members were under the direct order of Celestia herself, or former followers of her mother's political party, which meant no matter what the crime was, circumstances of trial, or opinion of the public, they would Vote for the singular outcome that would support her interests, and Fudge ought to know this.

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