Chapter 19 : Hogwarts's First Technology Club

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October arrived, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, was kept busy by a sudden spate of colds among the staff and students. Her Pepperup potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward. Ginerva Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy. The steam pouring from under her vivid hair gave the impression that her whole head was on fire. Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and Hagrid's pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds.

Though none of the students cared very much about it, instead all of them were excited over the new club which opened its doors at Hogwarts.

Celestia and Aiden, after having presented Professor Flitwick with their idea, were immediately permitted to open up the club, even agreeing to be the teacher watching over the students so they didn't have to search for someone to agree.

Professor Sprout, Professor Sinistra, and Madam Pince agreed to help out as well, all of the women finding the prospect of the use of Technology in their classroom interesting.

And today was the first introduction course, which they decided would be best to do with a group of fourth-year students since they had neither O.W.L's nor N.E.W.T's and their group could observe how the students would react after being introduced to such a new area.

,, You actually ordered tablets for the others to use ?" Aiden asked, gaping at Celestia as they made their way toward the club's Meeting place.

,, Of course, I did. How else would they be able to work with one ?" She asked, tilting her head, Fenris next to her doing the same.

Chrome had eaten too much at Lunch and fallen into a deep food coma, which meant that the Niffler was probably going to rest in Celestia's Chambers for the rest of the evening.

At least he had the audacity to look guilty for it after she had carried him to Ravenclaw Tower.

,, 'Tia that's a lot of money we're talking about!" Aiden said, aghast that it didn't seem to bother the girl in the slightest.

,, Aiden, you do realize that I have a fortune with which I could probably buy a whole country?" She asked, lips curving up in amusement. ,, Also those are just some tablets that will be used in the club. If someone wants one of their own they will have to notify their parents and ask them to send the needed money to an account the Goblins made for that very use and I'll order one for them."

Aiden blinked, before letting out a long tired sigh, running a hand through his hair. ,, The problems rich people have............"

A few minutes later they finally arrived at their destination.

They were using one of the many unused classrooms near Ravenclaw Tower, all the fourth-year students who had wanted to visit the club sitting down in rows of tables.

It was not much, but they were glad to have found a classroom that didn't have a curse or a Boggart in it.

Most of Slytherin and all of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had decided to take part in the club, sadly there were only a few Gryffindors, though Fred and George smiled as they gave their friends a thumbs up, wishing them good luck.

,, Good evening, everyone." Professor Flitwick greeted, standing on top of a chair so that everyone could see him. ,, Professor Sprout, Professor Sinistra, Madam Pince and I welcome you to the very first meeting of Hogwart's new Technology club. Now... we teachers are only here to observe and keep watch, so I will now give the word to Miss Grindelwald-Lestrange." He said, stepping down from the chair as Celestia walked to the front, the others right by her side.

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