Chapter 15 : The Lone Prisoner of Nurmengard

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,, Celestia!" The voice of Xavier Lestrange rang out in the Castle, the older Wizard having let his hair turn into its natural Grey at his granddaughter's insistence that it would suit him well.

,, I believe the Princess is in the Library." Perenelle Flamel said, smiling lightly as Xavier turned to the woman.

For someone well over six hundred years of age, she looked like she had just turned thirty at best.

Her appearance was that of a healthy young woman with beautiful Platinum Blonde hair that went down her waist in gentle waves.

Xavier had been shocked when the Flamels had revealed that they mostly used a Glamor to hide their actual appearances, not wanting to be bothered by the younger Generation, Nicolas more so than Perenelle.

Instead of a pair of frail-looking old Grandparents, they looked just like they had six hundred years ago, their appearance frozen in time with their age.

,, Thank you Perenelle." Xavier said, making his way toward the castle's library.

But not before Perenelle called out. ,, And while you're there make sure Nicolas doesn't encourage her to Experiment with him! Merlin knows that last time was bad enough."

The event Perenelle was mentioning to happen two weeks into their stay at Pendragon castle and the beginning of the Summer holidays for Celestia...

Nicolas had been over the Moon when he learned of Celestia's fascination with Alchemy and Arithmancy, not to mention the fact that the girl was able to combine Muggle Technology with Magic!

Together they had been working on a Project Celestia had long thought about...

A device similar to a wireless Bluetooth Headset. Infused with Magic it could open up a whole new world of possibilities and ways of communication for Wizards!

But, since Nicolas had only just started to learn how to work with Muggle Technology and luck decided it would take a break from them it ended up in a big explosion that was heard through the entire castle.

When the Elves, Xavier, and Perenelle arrived worried sick, Nicolas and Celestia were already talking about starting anew, both covered in soot and their clothes doused in ash.

Xavier chuckled at the memory, nodding. ,, I will."

He began to head towards the library once more, this time not getting stopped by Perenelle.

It was already the end of July, just a week before the birthday of Harry Potter as the Daily Prophet liked to remind everyone that would listen to it.

Celestia had spent most of her time with Xavier and the Flamels, most of her friends being out of England for the holidays, only Theo and the twins remaining.

Regulus was taken to France by Acturus for the Summer, having to do some business there and wanting to show Regulus some of the properties the Black Family owned.

Blaise had as usually gone to Italy, his Letters filled with complaints about the new man his mother had chosen to marry.

The Black Widow, a woman whose husbands all mysteriously died just mere weeks if not days after their wedding and leaves Lady Zabini with all of their fortunes.....

Everyone knew she did it, but no one could actually hold her responsible, since it looked like a Death of natural causes each time, and no magic was used on the men.

Celestia didn't know if she should be worried or glad that the woman seemed to like her.....

Hannah and Susan's families were spending their holidays somewhere near the Pacific Coast together, and the girls had sent her countless pictures and little gifts after Celestia had sent them a Videocamera so they could film their stay.

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