Chapter 102 : Professor Umbridge

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The next morning Harry woke up before anyone else in his Dorm, quickly got himself dressed, and headed straight for Ravenclaw Tower, uncaring of whoever he may have woken up as he slammed the doors closed.

He was angry, no, pissed, since last night, and couldn't stand being stuck in that dormitory any longer than necessary, knowing that most of his House Mates believed the rubbish that was published in the Daily Prophet and thought he belonged in a loony bin.

, ..Damn Seamus and his mother.... Fuck Dumbledore and his stupid morals....... If I knew just how many people would be against me I would have asked Celestia to teach me how to make one of those blasted Voodoo dolls she keeps on her bookshelves next to the flesh-eating plants....' thought the Gryffindor as he went up two steps at a time in his haste to make it up to the tower and to the Chambers of his cousin.

,, What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?" asked the bronze knocker once he arrived at its doorstep.

,, Silence." answered Harry, slightly annoyed as the knocker's eyes turned blue and he was let into the Ravenclaw common room.

,, Morning, Potter." greeted a few older students, offering nods or waves to the teen, before returning to their morning tasks.

Spotting some other members of the four Houses wasn't all too unusual for Ravenclaw students, Celestia's friend group and family members being frequent visitors at the most unusual hours of the day, while others came in the afternoon and evening for extra tutoring lessons or game nights.

Harry, all though relieved that at least the Ravenclaws didn't seem to outwardly ostracize him, couldn't bother to reply, fearing that if he opened his mouth his anger would bubble to the surface and he would accidentally unleash it on whichever poor soul had crossed his path in that moment.

He went right to the girls' wing and made his way to the end of the corridor, not even knocking as he opened the door and entered his cousin's chambers.

,, 'Tia you won't believe the shit- Oh come on!" exclaimed the Gryffindor as he spotted Regulus, who was changing into his uniform, after having gone on an early run across the castle grounds with Fenris, and was currently shirtless with his back facing him. ,, Do you always have to change in the open ???" he asked, exasperated, as the Slytherin turned his head towards him, one eyebrow raised while his expression remained empty.

,, It's not like I'm trying to impress you with my half-naked self, Potter.... Plus, I'm certain you've seen others of the same sex naked before while changing in your dorm or into your Quidditch uniform, so I don't see the problem." replied the taller male as he buttoned up his white dress shirt, covering his back tattoo and hiding it from further view.

Harry, who blushed red in embarrassment, let out a sigh as he glared. ,, Yeah..... It would be fine if I didn't know you were doing it to woo my cousin.." he shuddered at the mental image alone.

The Slytherin rolled his eyes at the remark. He certainly wasn't his father, nor did he aspire to have a child while still, or fresh out of, Hogwarts. Still, for his own amusement, he decided to say ,, If I wanted to get her into bed with me I would have to do much more than strip-"

,, Lalalalaalalala!!! I can't hear you!" loudly chanted the Gryffindor as he covered his ears to block out his words, shutting his eyes as an extra measure.

Celestia, who had just walked back into her chambers with Chrome and Fenris at her side, observed the whole scene in mild confusion. ,, ..... Do I want to know what has been going on in my absence, or should I return some other time?"

,, Good morrow, love." greeted Regulus, walking up to her and pressing a kiss to the top of her head as he reached her. ,, Don't worry, Harry has just a rather prudish sense of humor."

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