Chapter 5 : A New Found Friendship

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,, What exactly was it that you were reading when you were waiting for our arrival ?" Regulus, who by now was sitting next to Celestia asked, the two of them feeling more comfortable in the other's presence after having talked for the last few hours of this long train ride.

They had actually quite a few similarities, both showing great interest in the darker arts of Magic, as well as bearing a Core suited for Dark Magic.

Both were the type who'd rather stay quiet and observe than engage in unnecessary conversations or arguments.

And they shared a great love for literature, may it be Muggle or Wizard.

,, It was a Journal-" Seeing that she would probably not be able to lie she decided to tell him the truth. ,, left behind by Morgan Le Fay."

Regulus rose an eyebrow, the journal of the Darkest Witch of all times? In possession of an eleven-year-old girl?

It sounded a bit absurd.

,, An Ancestor on my Mother's side...*Chuckle* It sounds a bit absurd, but it is indeed the truth, for even Rowena Ravenclaw saw her brilliant mind." Celestia spoke, something in her eyes making him see that she was indeed telling the truth.

,, Would you allow me to read through it after you have finished it ?" He asked, at which she gave a small smile. ,, If you hand it with care."

The two shared another smile, their Compartment door suddenly opening.

,, Excuse our interruption." A male voice said, making them turn to the door, where two boys stood, the one who opened the door had natural curly blonde hair and a very structured face, framed by a pair of glasses, he was also rather tall easily towering over all of them, while the one behind him was visibly shorter, Ginger hair and Brown eyes falling into place. ,, Would you mind if we sat down here? We kinda got kicked out of most of the other ones." He looked slightly embarrassed by the revelation, probably having done this for quite some time now.

Regulus and Celestia shared a look, before nodding. ,, Go ahead."

Sighing in relief they sat down on the Opposite of them, visibly relaxed now that they weren't kicked out.

,, If it is not a bother, would you mind telling us why you have been kicked out by others ?" Celestia asked, curious as to why those two boys were sent away by most.

They tensed, unsure if they should answer that..........

Regulus rose an eyebrow. ,, Did you suddenly forget how to speak? Or is the reason that embarrassing that you can't tell us ?"

The blonde shot him a glare. ,, If you want to know so badly why not ask nicely, Curly-Head ?"

Regulus glared back. ,, Think you can take me on, Blondie ?"

Celestia sighed, shaking her head at them.

If she hadn't met Regulus before, she would have thought he and the blonde boy were life-long enemies from the moment they were born.

She turned to the other boy, who held an expression of amusement as he watched the other two silently glare at each other.

,, I promise we won't make you leave-" The three now turned their attention to her. ,, I am merely curious as to why someone would make others leave a Compartment."

Once again they shared a glance before the boy in front of her answered. ,, It's because of our family names-" He gave her a sheepish smile, rubbing his neck. ,, They are not very well-liked in the Wizarding World."

The blonde gave a huff. ,, Not very well liked my arse, we're hated."

Celestia frowned, Regulus not saying anything.

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