Chapter 75 : The Aftermath

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Celestia kept on running, careful to dodge the trees and creatures of the forest as she made her way to the secret entrance of the castle which would lead her directly back into her Chambers.

She had to be fast, for not only would the little Dragon inside the egg she carried die if it wasn't placed into the flames of a fireplace, but her arms were already beginning to blacken and blister from the remaining heat of the Antipodean Opaleye's fire the egg was giving off.

The fire of a dragon was incredibly more painful than your common fire or even Magical ones, skin blistering and turning as black as charcoal upon the lightest of touches, which also meant it was a lot deadlier than the two of them combined.

Though Celestia was less concerned about herself and more so for the egg, a nesting mother dragon had just entrusted to her...

, Just a bit more... hold on little one...' thought the half-Veela, ignoring the feeling of the heat burning her skin.....

Ace, who had been waiting for her at the entrance, rose an eyebrow at the sight of her smaller form running towards him, his relaxed stance immediately dropping upon seeing what she was carrying.

,, The Gods be good....." he whispered, hastily opening the passage for her, not about to waste the little time they had with pointless questions that she would answer later anyways.

Gritting his teeth he held it open, cursing its heavy weight while glancing back to see how far away she was.

,, Celestia! You have to run faster!" He yelled, concerned about her safety.

Gritting her teeth she did as told, nodding as she passed him and ran as fast as her feet could carry her towards her Chambers, where her friends and family were probably already waiting.

As soon as she had passed him, Ace closed the passage and followed after her, ready to hold the other passage door open as well so she could enter without wasting a single second.

, Come on....!' he told himself, trying to ignore the feeling of his mechanical leg digging further into his flesh as he sprinted towards their destination, throwing it open for them with a loud Bang, the others inside the room jumping in surprise.

,, What the-!?"

,, Holy Helga!"

,, Ace what the hell!?" yelled Aiden, Hunter next to him moving without a second thought when he saw Celestia enter the Chamber shortly after, a grimace on her face as she carried the egg.

He didn't actually see what she was carrying, nor did he really think twice about what it could be since his main concern was that it was causing the girl in front of him pain.

, Here goes nothing..' he thought, bracing himself as he took it out of her arms, the agony immediate as it almost had him collapse to the ground, a scream of anguish only held back by him biting his lip until it drew blood.

,, To the fireplace with it! Come on!" encouraged Ace, helping Hunter as the Ravenclaw concentrated on not breaking down.

The skin of his forearms and wrists felt like someone had poured acid over them before slowly peeling it off......

, It hurts.... It hurts... It hurts... It hurts...It hurts.. It hurts... It mother fucking hurts!!!' he thought, almost sprinting towards the fireplace where he placed it inside and pushed away from it just in time as Hannah cast a light Incendio to let it turn alight.

As soon as it was he doubled over, eyes almost rolling into the back of his head as he panted for air, trying to get some kind of relief.

,, What in Salazar's name is-" Blaise stopped talking as soon as he noticed Hunter on the ground and Celestia clutching her arms to herself, seeing the Dragon egg in the fireplace upon entering the room with Regulus, Aelius and Theo following close behind with Fenris who immediately trotted over to his Mistress once he saw her in pain.

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