Chapter 89 : A Godfather's Desperation

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As soon as she was sure Regulus and Theo had managed to carry Harry out of the crowd, Celestia began to work.

She got up from her kneeling position on the ground with the help of Hannah and Susan, carefully getting the dirt from her skirt, while others were still screaming, crying or simply standing around Cedric Diggory's deceased body in complete utter shock.

, .. I always wondered what a normal reaction to seeing a deceased body looked like.....' thought the half-Veela, her nose scrunching up as she continued hearing the piercing shrieks of girls who didn't even know the poor boy, yet were bawling their eyes out. , ... How annoying....'

,, Hunter, would you be a dear and clear the path for me?" asked the witch, turning to her fellow Ravenclaw, who was one of the only members of their group still left functioning.

,, On it." replied the teen, taking a last glance at the Hufflepuff's body, before turning away while shaking his head.

It never got easier seeing a dead body....

,, All right everyone, move! Have some fucking respect for the kid's family!" He called out into the crowd, pushing the still whispering and oogling people back.

The fact that most of them were adults made him do it all the more gladly.

Celestia did not waste any more time after that, swiftly walking to Cedric with Ace and Tom hastily following after her, Aelius waiting for them at his side.

Once she stood right next to the body, she let out a sigh, glancing at all the people who were watching them just to get a glimpse of the poor teenager that had died from still unknown causes....

There was no sympathy, no true sadness, and no real empathy within their gazes.... Only morbid curiosity at the expense of a boy no longer under the living....

, .... Filthy Vultures......' she thought, returning her focus to the task at hand.

When her eyes met the glazed-over ones of Cedric she leaned down and gently closed them, before clasping her hands together and bowing her head. , ...... May you guide his soul to eternal rest, Lord Anubis........ So that he can be judged with all the fairness he has shown in his mortal days. Let him be welcomed by Kali and Hades, the fairest of the judges, and give him the strength to avoid Ah Puch and Mictlantecuhtli, who hate Mortals above all. Maman Brigitte, please accept this child into your circles as you have me, and protect him for what is to come... Blessed be thee.'

Aelius met her eyes once she opened them, having followed her example, and offered a silent prayer to Mother Magic for the Hufflepuff, before giving her a nod and turning to Tom and Ace. ,, Could you help me put him on the stretcher?"

The two Wizards immediately did as told, carefully lifting the body onto the stretcher, before letting Aelius continue his work.

The Veela made sure all his limbs were secure, his eyes checking over the postmortem state he was in, before covering him with a white sheet and getting to his feet.

He took his Wand from his Holster and whispered a quiet ,, Wingardium Leviosa." which made the stretcher slowly float up until it reached the height of his waist.

Seeing that he was ready to transport it away, Celestia turned to the still-standing crowd. Most of the paths to the tent blocked by people....

She could see Cedric's parents, desperately trying to get through, pushing and pulling with all their might to get to their son, only to be met by failure in the form of unmoving bodies.....

Having slowly but surely grown fed up, the white-haired witch took her Wand and pointed it at the sky. , Periculum!'

Sparks of blue shot out of the end of her Wand, creating a loud explosion once it reached the sky above, like a firework.

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