Chapter 107 : The Monster of the Red Quarters

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In the late hours of the evening, when most of Hogwarts' population was tucked away in their Dorms, the Prefects roamed the halls in pairs of two, controlling and checking if anything was amiss or if there were students who tried bending the rules to their will.

Usually, nothing overly suspicious happened, with the occasional student stumbling through the dark past curfew or someone being caught doing... inappropriate things inside broom closets, but today, most of the Prefects were focusing on a specific corridor at the request of the Head boy, Sahak, who was a fellow Ravenclaw and still owed Celestia a favor after she had lent him a specific book from her personal collection.

,, Most of them are stationed at the other side of the castle in the abandoned corridors near the Hufflepuff and Slytherin dorms, meaning you'll have a good two to three hours before patrol ends and anyone notices you lot aren't on your posts." spoke the seventh year, dark eyes framed by a pair of glasses.

They were standing at the bottom steps that led to Gryffindor Tower, talking quietly so no one could hear them, and expose their little adventure.

,, Thank you, Sahak." replied Celestia bowing her head in gratitude. ,, I apologize for causing so much trouble for you."

She knew how much the Head girl and other prefects had tried to question him on his sudden change of routine, and tried to pry for information in several ways, most resulting in him getting annoyed with them.

Not to mention the amount of time it took to shift the patrol schedules and partners to match the half-Veela's ideas...

,, 'Ts fine." reassured the older teen as he made his way back down. ,, Just don't make it a habit, Grindelwald!" he quietly called over his shoulder, offering them a lazy wave in parting as he disappeared from view.

,, Huh.... Never would have thought Avagyan to be so easy-going." said Draco, following after his cousin as she led him up the steps, the eyes of the Portraits following their every move with suspicion.

Having a Slytherin and Ravenclaw coming up to their dorms was out of the norm, even more so when it was a Malfoy and Grindelwald that were trying to remain hidden....

,, He doesn't care much about things like these so long as no one gets injured or interrupts him during his study sessions." informed him the half-Veela, letting Fenris walk in front of her while Chrome carefully inspected each statue, painting, and armor they passed. ,, Aiden and him like to discuss fabrics since his parents are both dressmakers and he wants to follow in their footsteps, they are both very kind men."

Draco blinked in surprise, chuckling as he asked. ,, You met Avagyan's parents?"

Tilting her head, with a small smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth she briefly turned to him and said. ,, Why, yes of course I did.... After all these years by my side you should have known that once I find something I want or a person that interests me, nothing will be able to stop me from getting it."

And the Avagyans were the best of the best when it came to weaving magical fabrics, something both Aiden and Blaise heavily relied on in their works.

What kind of friend would she be if she didn't get them exactly what they needed? After all, there were few who could resist the Charm of someone with Veela blood, much less when the individual carried the name Grindelwald.

,, Of course, my sincere apologies, your highness." replied the Slytherin, grinning lightly when she elbowed his side, before turning back around so she wouldn't stumble down the entire flight of stairs.

When they reached the halfway mark, Celestia stopped them from going further and let out a high-pitched whistle, snapping all the dozing Portraits awake and making them start to furiously whisper amongst each other.

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