Chapter 54 : A day filled with Chaos

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,, Celestia! Where are you, mi sol?" ( my love/ literally "my sun" ) Camila called out, frowning as she looked around for the little girl with white hair.....

The Spanish Witch had spent the last hour or so trying to find the girl, having lost sight of her after Esmeralda had gotten back with her....

Honestly.... One would think taking care of a toddler would be easy, especially since said toddler couldn't really go anywhere that wasn't accessible by their fellow Prisoners, and would never let her stray too far away from them.

, ... Where could she be this time.......?...' She wondered, growing more and more worried.

The little girl in question was currently standing on her tip-toes, her head peeking up from behind the wooden counter of an abandoned office desk that was formerly used in an equally abandoned waiting area for the Scientists Experimenting on them.

She usually would never go to a place like this, since Matsugoro and Sai had told her these rooms were a forbidden area for her because she used to try and build a lot of dangerous things with the items left behind, but today the half-Veela decided to go against the rule, having seen something interesting in one of her Visions.....

Kneeling in the middle of the deserted room, was an ( in Celestia's opinion ) weirdly dressed man with black hair and green eyes....

And by weirdly dressed, she meant the golden helmet with horns that laid a couple of feet away from him and the fact that he wore a green tunic overlaid with golden metal.....

Celestia had only ever seen people wear white or the occasional fancy suits and dresses some Scientists would show themselves in when they were called into work last minute, so she found the strange male funny to look at.

Noticing eyes on him, the male snapped his head in her direction, making her widen her eyes in surprise and quickly hide behind the counter she was staying at.

, ...Did he see me..?.......' She wondered, keeping quiet.....

,, I can see your hand, girl." Celestia flinched at the sound of his voice, taking her poorly hidden hand back to her knees, as she tried to make herself smaller in hopes of making herself unnoticeable....

,, *Sigh* I already saw you come out." He ordered her, voice sounding tired yet somehow snobbish at the same time.

Nervously holding onto her right hand, she let her fingers trace over the black Ink on her wrist and slowly got to her feet, carefully peaking at the male from the side of her hiding place.....

His gaze furrowed, a bit annoyed by the fact that she wasn't doing as he told her to, but then his eyes set on her curls of shoulder length white hair and Bi-colored eyes.......

, ..... Something tells me this child is not entirely human.....' He thought, noticing how the child's presence stuck out like a sore thumb in the room.

Hearing his thoughts, she said. ,, .... I'm half Veela......"

, Half what....?...' He asked himself, before shaking his head. , That's not important right now.'

,, Say, child, where exactly are we ?" He asked her, looking around to try and figure out the answer to his own question.

Without missing a beat the girl replied with. ,, ... Combe Martin, North Devon.... St. Peter's Experimental facility for Witches and Wizards...."

He rose an eyebrow, repeating her words. ,, Experimental facility, you say..?"

Celestia nodded, watching the male in interest....

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