Chapter 14 : The End of their First year

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The next day Exams were finally in order, and their group quite relaxed and stress-free now that the Sorcerer's Stone was somewhere Dumbledore wouldn't ever be able to reach it.

Chrome's pockets.

It was sweltering hot, especially in the large classroom where they did their written papers. They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an Anticheating spell, that Hunter immediately wanted to crack but Aiden stopped with a well-aimed throw of a book to the head.

They had practical exams as well. Professor Flitwick called them one by one into his class to see if they could make a pineapple tap dance across a desk.

Something very curious, but not the weirdest thing to ever be found at Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuffbox -- points were given for how pretty the snuffbox was, but taken away if it had whiskers.

The Head of the Lions wasn't very keen on Slytherins, but even she had to admit that Regulus Silver snuffbox with a Basilisk and Horned Serpent pattern was indeed one of the most beautiful she had ever seen made.

Snape made them all nervous, breathing down their necks while they tried to remember how to make a Forgetfulness potion.

Thankfully Slytherin and Ravenclaw were mixed and Celestia was paired with Theo, the two of them finding working with one another shockingly easy.

Their very last exam was History of Magic. 

When the ghost of Professor Binns told them to put down their quills and roll up their parchment, Celestia breathed out a sigh of relief.

, This marks the end of our first year.....'  A small smile fell on her lips at the thought.

To think that it's almost already been a full year since she entered Hogwarts........

A full year since she's left the past behind and gained friends and a family..

Chrome poked her cheek, at which she smiled, letting him rub his snout against it.

,, 'TIA!!!!!!!" She had mere seconds before she was lifted into the air, eyes wide as she came face to face with the twins.

,, George? Fred ?" She asked, grasping their shoulders for dear life.

,, We did it!" They chimed, grinning.

,, The Exams were way easier this year!"

,, Old Minnie looked so proud of us!"

,, Fred, George !!!! What in Rowena's name are you doing to 'Tia !?" Aiden yelled, sprinting towards them with the others following close behind.

The twins grinned mischievously and lifted Hannah and Susan up as well, before running away, Chrome hanging on for dear life.

,, OI!!!!!"

,, Come get us little Raven!" They called back, the others looking flabbergasted, yet not surprised.

The three girls shared looks before laughing out loud, holding onto the twins and letting themselves be carried to who knows where.

,, Those two...!!!!!" Aiden said, looking furious, he then turned to the others. ,, Come on! We have to catch up!"

Hunter grinned. ,, Ya don't have to tell me twice!"

Hunter dragged Blaise with him, while Aiden did the same with Theo and Regulus, the three Slytherins too shocked to comprehend what was happening.

Theo and Regulus looked at their friends, Hunter and Blaise arguing as they ran ahead to catch up with the twins....

Both boys had been raised by former followers of the Dark Lord, always having believed it was their fate to be damned alone with only their childhood playmates to speak with....

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