Chapter 40 : The Hogsmaede Date

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Two weeks before the end of the term, the sky lightened suddenly to a dazzling, opaline white and the muddy grounds were revealed one morning covered in glittering frost. Professor Flitwick had already decorated his classroom with shimmering lights that turned out to be real, fluttering fairies and put up Evergreen Garlands. The students were all happily discussing their plans for the holidays. This time, every one of their friend group would spend Yule at Pendragon castle, and when Celestia was delivered a Letter from Perenelle by Jade one morning, where the witch told her Oreon, the Head Elf, had cried tears of joy at the news, she silently promised to herself to keep quiet about it, an amused smile on her face.

To everyone's delight, there was to be another Hogsmeade trip on the very last weekend of the term.....

,, Oh~! We'll finally be able to buy the newly released albums!" Hannah gushed, Susan and her giggling as the boys rolled their eyes...

The two girls had become huge fans of a popular getting Korean Boy-group the boys could never remember the name of... and since then they had been listening to their music almost nonstop.

,, I don't get why you two like them so much............" Theo said, pointing his thumb towards Celestia, who was petting Fenris and Chrome. ,, 'Tia is the only one in this group who can understand what they're singing about anyways."

,, You don't have to understand them to like their music." Susan argued, Hannah, nodding from beside her.

They liked their voices.... and sure, the fact that the males were good-looking was a bonus, but that was beside the point-!

,, You sure it isn't just because you fancy someone out of the group members ?" Hunter teasingly asked, all of them sharing a good laugh as the two girls began attacking the Ravenclaw, throwing pillows at him.

Celestia shook her head, smiling at their behavior....

She had been made to listen to the songs just like the rest of them, though she had the advantage of actually being able to speak Korean, so she was made to translate most of the time.

But she didn't mind doing it for the two eager Hufflepuffs.


On the Saturday morning of the Hogsmeade trip, Celestia grew quite confused as she arrived at the meeting point everyone had agreed to be at yesterday. Only to see her peeved-looking older brothers and amused friends further away, which left Regulus and her......

,, Why are the others standing over there ?" She asked, head tilted in confusion as she turned to Regulus.

The male had to hold himself back from smiling, not wanting to break Character and ruin the surprise.....

,, Hannah, Susan, and Blaise thought it would be a good idea to let us enjoy this day on our own...." He told her, taking off his Scarf and carefully wrapping it around her, to keep her safe from the cold.

,, So....." The pair stood close together, faces only inches apart and Celestia didn't know why but she felt a blush rise to her cheeks as Regulus grey eyes bore into her Bi-colored ones. ,, Would you give me the honor to take you on a Date through Hogsmeade, your highness ?" He asked softly, not wanting to shock her when addressing her with her highest title.

The half-Veela blinked in surprise, not sure if she heard him right.....

They had been together for quite some time now...... but this would be their very first Date, a completely new experience for the both of them......

But..... She also felt a rush of excitement pass through her as she thought about it....

,, * Chuckle * It would be my pleasure, Heir Black.." Celestia replied, eyes shimmering beautifully as the light seeped through the Snow-covered windows.

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