Chapter 85 : The Third Task

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Marlene could not pinpoint the exact moment when she had begun to question her morals, but if she had to take a guess she'd probably say that it was around the time she found out that she had gotten pregnant by none other than Sirius Black....

Not that she didn't love her son. He was the funniest infant she ever had the pleasure to watch over, and she loved to rub it into Sirius's face that his first word had been 'Mooma' and not 'Padfoot', 'Prongs', 'Moony' or even 'Dada'....

But, she would be lying if she said that she planned on raising a baby in the middle of a war with a man with whom she had more of a friends-with-benefits type of relationship than anything else.......

They were good friends, don't take her wrong, but neither of them would have expected their one-time shag in fifth year to turn into... well.. a weird type of situation that resulted in them becoming parents straight out of Hogwarts.....

Even worse was the fact that they weren't the only ones expecting.

Raising one baby in the middle of a war with a maniac on the loose was already hard enough, but then Lily found out she was pregnant too, and not even a week later Alice also revealed the happy news....

Not only that, but then Dumbledore had the glorious idea to kidnap Eliza Grindelwald's daughter, a sweet little girl named Celestia, and bring her to the Potters.....

Marlene did not like this, not one bit.

Especially since Lily and James were not fit to take care of one infant, much less two.

James had lost his parents less than a year ago thanks to a Dragon Pox outbreak... and Eliza, who he hadn't even been able to say goodbye to, died no less than two months ago.

It was too soon for him, for any of them really to become parents, but for James who was still stuck in his teenage mindset and just lost the only real blood relatives he knew, it was not a good call to let him handle the care of two children with different personalities and the general options that they have in the future.

Even with the help of Lily, it didn't sit right with her.......

Had someone asked her what she thought about Dumbledore's plan on 'rescuing' Celestia from the Lestrange Household she wouldn't have hesitated to tell them to stick their noses towards their own bloody business and let them raise the girl as they saw fit.

She maybe hadn't known Eliza all that well, but she saw the older woman interact with the Malfoys and the Lestranges, and from what she had seen they cared for one another deeply, seeing each other as family. So why would someone want to take her daughter away from that?

In the end, nobody cared to listen to her and they took the girl anyways, because if Dumbledore said so it must be right...

She slowly but surely had enough of hearing all Order members justify their actions by arguing it being done under the orders of Albus Dumbledore.

For a man who is supposedly the greatest Wizard since Merlin himself, he sure liked walking around the place like the sun was shining from his arse with his ridiculous plans and suicide missions...

,, I'm starting to sound like my grandfather...." she said out loud, letting out a groan at the realization.

Her Grandfather, bless his soul, had not been a fan of Dumbledore, even though he was one of the most accepting Pure-bloods she knew. By not a fan, she meant he absolutely hated him and went as far as to forbid everyone in his Household to talk about the aging Headmaster.....

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