Chapter 113 : The Decree and Godly Message

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,, Demigods and legacies are often plagued by nightmares that are akin to prophecies in some aspects." whispered the voice of Aspen, sounding like it was being swallowed by the wind. ,, Often they are caused by specific immortals, either because they want to lead you astray from your goal, or because they want to warn you of something that may happen should you refuse to change paths.... Anyway, no matter what you might think is the case, do not trust anything or anyone you see in those dreams..... The gods are cruel and tricky...... And they'd sooner celebrate your doom than try to actually aid you in times of turmoil."

Celestia had been at the receiving end of such dreams since before she knew how to differentiate between the realm of the living and that of the spirits....

Haunted by countless deaths, and monsters that yearned to pluck her from this earth so that she might become their next meal, it was not difficult for the gods to manipulate her dreams so that she may relive each experience once more. So that another part of her could break away from her until all that was left was an easily breakable shell of a girl no longer willing or strong enough to keep on fighting.

Yet, even she had to admit that this dream was not like any other she had ever had to endure before.......

Dressed in a gown of black, soft blue, and rich gold, that was cut to appear like a modern version of a Greek tunic, the girl stood out amidst the chaos of the bustling noises and colorful beings surrounding her......

Everywhere her gaze traveled, she found people dressed, unlike anything she had ever seen in real life before....

From women wearing Flapper dresses and long pearl necklaces that moved with them as they laughed and danced, to men that looked like someone had taken a description of the 1980s and made an outfit out of it, none looked like they belonged to the twenty-first century in any kind of way.

It was like being trapped in a history book.... A very weird experience to have, compared to the last time she had been sent into the past....

And that time had been a mere memory of Tom Riddle....

Moving forward, the half-Veela let her gaze move from one part of the space she had found herself into the other end.

The hall may have been filled by people, but Celestia was clearly able to spot the pool and blackjack tables from her standpoint, the sight of them more familiar than any of the modern arcade games occupied by children and adults of all ages, some older and some younger than herself.

, ...... Why am I in a casino.....?....' wondered the Ravenclaw, silently making her way towards the suspiciously empty bar, where she took a seat on one of the plush red stools, after a few moments of struggling with the length of her dress.

As her feet made contact with the cool metal of the stool she also realized that she hadn't been wearing heels like she had at first suspected, but a pair of golden sandals that had a soft blue glow of magic carefully weaved into them....

, ....... And who in Rowena's name dressed me like this...?.....' she thought, frowning at the silver cuffs wrapped around each of her wrists, both embedded with an onyx stone in the middle.

Lifting one hand to her throat, the girl felt the tips of her fingers make contact with what appeared to be a choker most likely of a similar design.....

She did not like ... whatever this was ...... not in the slightest.......

, ..... These feel more like the accessories of a high-standing slave or servant than anything.....' inwardly grumbled the witch, trying to get the silver cuffs off of her wrists.

,, Hello Miss," greeted the man behind the counter, offering her a bright grin. ,, anything, in particular, you might like?"

The half-Veela stopped in her fruitless attempts to rid herself of the pieces of jewelry and took a good look at him, resisting the urge to flinch back when she noticed the alarming haze that seemed to cloud the man's eyes, something she had last seen in one of her fellow prisoners who had been drugged so severely he couldn't tell that his arm had been amputated during the time he had been gone.

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