Chapter 111 : Cursed with Nightmares shall be the blood of the Enemy

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It took several minutes, three calming draughts, and one bucket of ice-cold water to snap the two Gryffindors out of their shock.

,, You two have some serious explaining to do!" is the first thing a drenched Harry said, cleaning his glasses with a piece of cloth Chrome had offered him, since the rest of his uniform, as well as his hair, was utterly soaked. ,, I mean, I get that I am not the brightest Lumos coming out of a Wand-"

,, Glad you've at least got that right...." muttered Hannah to Susan, who could only shake her head at her fellow Hufflepuff.

,, Sod off Abbott!" exclaimed Harry, having heard her, before quickly turning back to Regulus and Celestia. ,, As I was saying, I know I'm not the most intelligent or strongest out of the lot, but I'm still your cousin, even if not by blood, and I'm also your Godbrother. And you didn't think it was worth mentioning that you two are related to bloody gods?!"

,, We didn't know ourselves up until a few days ago...." answered the Ravenclaw with a sigh, as she lifted her forearm to give them a better view of her bracelet. ,, A day after Draco and I entered the Red Quarters and awakened Asterios Pendragon's monster, I was..... claimed.... by Phobos, the Greek god of Fear, Panic, and Rout, after almost being possessed by the demon we encountered, and beheading it."

,, Claimed?" repeated Harry, frowning slightly. ,, That sounds like he owns you....."

Hermione slapped the back of his head, Regulus' eyebrow twitching in annoyance as he took Celestia's hand into his own so she wouldn't be tempted to scratch her tattoo like he knew she would after hearing that.

No matter how much time passed.. HYDRA had sunk its claws deep into the half-Veela's consciousness.......

They had branded her like cattle, treated her worse than any living being deserved.... and left her with a reminder on her skin that served as a constant source of pain and misery for her, even if she refused to admit it aloud.

Celestia Grindelwald would sooner let herself fall to her own death and end the entire main Pendragon bloodline with her than confirm that another person had taken ownership of her like she'd been less than a pitiful, starved pet.

Playing with the rings on Regulus' fingers to distract herself from the itch on her wrist begging for attention......

The logical part of her brain knew trying to scratch the tattoo off would be an utterly fruitless idea, the other still wanted to do it because seeing those damned numbers bleed made her feel more in control of the situation.......

, .... I promised Reggie I wouldn't do it...... I promised Reggie I wouldn't do it.....' she repeated to herself like a mantra, still vividly able to picture the expression on his face when he realized why there were so many scars around the tattoo.

He didn't look sad, or angry for that matter....... It was more like he was in pain whenever he thought about what she had been made to go through....

Instead of heading straight toward the subject, Celestia instead decided to explain ,, When a God claims a child, it means that they recognize them as a part of their lineage........ That child may be granted powers from the godly ancestor, or a weapon directly linked to the immortal that has claimed them."

Pressing down on the decapitated lion's head charm on her bracelet, both Gryffindors flinched back with alarm as the innocent piece of jewelry transformed into a Halberd as tall as Celestia's entire upper body length.

,, Phobos gifted me this Halberd with the name Dawn's Edge on the night he claimed me as his legacy." she said, Hermione leaning in closer and carefully inspecting it from a safe distance, noting the dark yet alluring aura it was giving off.

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