Chapter 109 : The Prophecy of Chaos and Madness

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As soon as Aspen finished speaking, Celestia felt her gaze drop from where it had stayed on the gone image of Phobos, to the Halberd resting against her chair.

She picked it up, golden eyes immediately turning ruby upon coming in contact with it, and slowly inspected it.

, ...Dawn's Edge, Tribute of the Forgotten......' she read, tracing the lightly glowing symbols on the blade with her gloved fingertips.

,, ...Aspen......" she began, a frown overtaking her face as she turned to him, the Satyr shrinking further back in his restraints as he was made to look at her. ,, .. Is that your real name..?....Or an alias, like Professor Brun-Chiron's..?...." she asked.

,, My name is Aspen Redwood..... Us Satyrs do not take an alias since... well.. our names usually aren't important enough to be recorded in legends or similar." answered the Hufflepuff, a slight hint of bitterness in his tone of voice.

Celestia nodded, simply staring at him as she asked. ,, You mentioned that you worked for Camp Primordials..... and that Chiron was sent from Camp Halfblood or Jupiter...... What exactly is the difference between those three camps...?..."

The Satyr seemed to quickly snap out of whatever fear-induced trance he had been put under by her appearance, his forest green eyes meeting hers. ,, You want to know what the difference between the three camps is?" he asked, wanting to make sure he heard her right.

The half-Veela nodded her head, finding comfort in the form of Regulus, who had slowly come out of his shock like the others and laced his fingers with her own, gently squeezing them to let her know he was there.

,, Huh..... It's been a while since someone's asked me that....." said the male, blinking in surprise, not having expected this to be her first direct question to him. ,, Well... hm... where to begin...."

,, 'Tia..." whispered Hunter, as he leaned up to reach her ear, Fred and George stepping behind their little sister, both wrapping an arm around her waist and resting their chins on her shoulders as they observed the Satyr, eyes gold. ,, ... do you really think it would be a wise idea to listen to what he has to say without your parents or Barty present.....?... We were just made aware that you and Regulus are.... ehm... part god... after all."

If anyone must have known about Celestia being a legacy, it was Bellatrix and Barty.......

They were her mother's closest confidants, swore loyalty to the Grindelwald name, fought by her side in the first war, defied the Dark Lord for her, and stood by her side in her final moments.........

Had Eliza not told them about this, everything her family had fought so hard to protect and build, would have disappeared in a cloud of smoke the moment her daughter was taken or worse killed.

The only thing that didn't make sense to the Ravenclaw was why in Rowena's name they did not tell her about this.....

,, Wait, is it god or gods plural.... I'm still trying to get my brain around the fact that you guys are supposedly related to figures coming straight out of Greek myths and legends...." whispered Aiden, as Hannah poked Regulus' cheek with a look of suspicion on her face.

,, Poking me won't make a God notice me any more than he already has, Abbott." said the Slytherin, unbothered as the Hufflepuff continued as she pleased, Luna joining her with a look of curiosity aimed at Doombringer on his back.

,, ..Who knows......" replied Blaise, still in disbelief over the whole thing. ,, It only took the literal God of Fear talking about him to make him claim Celestia......."

Having heard enough, Celestia let out a simple hum, silencing them all, as she answered Hunter' earlier concerns. ,, It might be worth something.... especially since I won't stop by simply questioning him."

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