Chapter 3 : Diagon Alley

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To say that Celestia was surprised would be a lie.

The girl had always known of her fortune and her family's position, Joan having prepared her in these matters.

She also knew she had a Biological Family since the only way to get into St. Peter's is getting sold to them.

What she did not know was that her Godparents were imprisoned and that she was their Heir...

,, .....Is there a way to contact my Godmother and Godfather? Perhaps even my Great-Great-Grandfather ?" She asked, not caring if it was Tom or Klinge who answered this specific question.

,, Since you are underage, you are not allowed to visit them without your Gurdians' permission.." said Klinge, before a grin made its way onto his face. ,, But Albus Dumbledore was made so without your, or your family's, consent which makes it possible for you to choose your own Guardian and send letters if you wish."

She gave a nod, looking at the names again...

Her Godmother Narcissa was still alive and unimprisoned, the same being able to be said about her Uncle Lucius and their son Draco who was only a few months older than her...

,, Lucius holds a high position in the Wizengamot and the Ministry. Though a good choice, I would suggest that you seek out your Great-Uncle Arcturus, should he still be alive. He was the Head of the Black Family at the time of your birth and held was highly regarded under even the most influential of Pureblood circles. He would make a fine By Proxy for one the many Houses you are Heiress to." Tom suggested, and Celestia gave a small hum, turning to Klinge.

,, If not too much could you contact my living Family Members, besides the Potters, please? I would like to talk to them on this matter myself." She requested, the Goblin nodding in understanding. ,, Of course, Lady Grindelwald. The Letters will be sent out as we speak."

She gave a small smile nodding.

,, But first-" He said snapping his long fingers at which fifteen Boxes appeared in front of her. ,, You will have to accept your Lady-and Heiresship to gain access to your Properties and Vaults."

Nodding once again he opened the boxes, Chrome pretty much jumping in excitement as he sniffed each of the rings, looking at them with sparkling eyes.

Celestia guessed he was picturing which one he could pocket the quickest without the Goblin or her noticing...

,, Put them on and you shall officially become the Lady or Heiress of the House if accepted by the family Magic." He explained, instructing the girl to go for the first ring on her left.

She did as told and after each ring was put on one after the other, and then carefully put back, she could feel the Magic in the air vibrating, and struggling to fight its way toward her Magical Core, to which she took out her Handkerchief and let out a small cough into it, tapping it gently against the corners of her mouth once done, and resisted the urge to look at the blood it had gathered.

Though her Core is able to adjust itself in most cases, the different types of Magic and the sheer amount of it made it extremely difficult for it to catch up on the workload piling onto it...

Even now she could feel a Strange yet familiar Aura coming from the Gaunt Ring, because of the electrifying spark of Dark Magic it was shooting up her fingertips and straight to her spine.....

,, It's another piece of my Soul....... It was my second Horcrux, my dear." Tom informed her, as she looked at the Ring whose Stone held the symbol of the Three Deathly Hallows... ,, I put a Curse on it and hid it inside the Gaunt Shack, though I never expected the Goblins to get it after my supposed passing... I guess I should have thought of it since you are my closest blood relative and obviously still walking amongst the living. The curse I put on it does not work on you, because of the night of Samhain when a part of my soul connected itself to you."

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