Chapter 67 : The Unforgivable Curses and the Vision of C.L.B

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If somebody had told a ten-year-old Barty that he would one day break into Columbia University's library with Eliza Grindelwald out of all people, he would have thought that, that someone had undergone a few Crucio too many.........

Unfortunately for him, this was in fact not the deluded fantasy of a crazy Wizard, but the reality.

,, ..Lizzie....." He whispered, tugging his Ravenclaw scarf closer to his face as they passed a group of Muggles who were talking about a Linguistics paper that was to be finished by Monday...... ,, ... Are you sure this is a good idea...?..." he asked, practically hiding behind the older Slytherin, who was walking through the library like people weren't literally turning their heads to take a double take upon seeing her....

He had a very bad feeling about this entire thing..........

A very, very bad feeling.....

But Eliza seemed as relaxed as ever, blue eyes skipping through the many shelves to find what they were searching for.

,, Hm? Well.. if we're already in New York for a mission, why not make a stop at one of the best schools this country has to offer?" she asked, turning her head slightly to face him, a smirk tugging on her lips, chuckling when he deadpanned at her carefree attitude.

Of course, only Eliza would get an idea as crazy as breaking into an Ivy League school in the middle of an assigned mission...... for her own entertainment as well might he add.

, Of course, she'd say that........' he thought, regretting even waking up that day.....

He loved Eliza, she was his big sister, having taken him under her wing from the moment she had found him crying in one of the abandoned hallways, clutching a Letter from his father in his hands while he sobbed....

But sometimes he wondered what in Rowena's name was going through her head because more often than not she was a giant question mark with a high connection to extremely dangerous stuff..........

He wondered if this was a family trait, knowing how Violet and Theseus both were.........

Something about the Grindelwalds just screamed that they were different, he just couldn't place what that something different was yet.

,, Let's just get this over with so we can return to our original mission and hopefully leave this bloody country as soon as possible....." he grumbled out, glancing around to make sure none of the Muggles were getting suspicious...

He definitely did not want to be surrounded by Muggles more than he had to, especially American ones....

Call him paranoid, but he absolutely hated interacting with Muggles in a country that was known to have a very suspicious Governmental history, and he definitely did not want to know what these people could do to him if they were able to transform a sickly human into a Super Soldier, that had been pumped through with weird chemicals and Steroids.......

Yeah..... no offense, but he wanted to go back to the UK and that fast.

Eliza smiled brightly, happily clapping her hands together. ,, See? I knew you would see the appeal sooner rather than- Oh! Look at the Medical Science Department."

,, Lizzie! Wait-! *Sigh* And she's run off......." He said, letting a hand run through his hair as he watched her disappear behind one of the many shelves.....

, Great....' he thought, heading off after her......


All the while Eliza was strolling through the many paths filled with books lined up against the shelves.........

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