Chapter 41 : Cronus Grindelwald

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Throughout Dinner, people from different Houses noticed that a certain group of ten students were in an awfully good mood this fine evening...

They didn't behave all that much different than usual, but there was just something about the ten friends that made the atmosphere around them seem more cheerful.

It made the Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherin, who all sat together, follow their example and enjoy the last weekend before Yule.

Enchanting the tables so that they stood together instead of staying separated, had become a yearly tradition for the three Houses.

Each Feast at the End of the year, and Samhain, two Houses would stand up and wait for the Professors to enchant the third table, before taking a seat and celebrating their accomplishments of that year together.

They wanted to start doing so with the Feasts before the holidays as well, and the Professors gladly helped them make it possible.

Together they laughed, ate, and celebrated the rest of the evening, not shy in letting the first years know that they were welcome to do as they pleased.

, Happy Birthday, your Highness....' Celestia blinked as she heard the airy voice, glancing to the side to spot who's thoughts just broadcasted......

Near her, she spotted a familiar little Ravenclaw with Dirty-blonde hair and Pale Silvery eyes.....

, Luna Lovegood, if I recall correctly.....' She thought, remembering the girl from last year when she had immediately walked up to her and curtsied after being sorted into the House of Ravens.

The girl was mysterious in her own kind of way, but it somewhat matched the aloof aura she carried with her.

She addressed her with her highest title and seemed to have developed a small habit of following her around with the other first and second years like little ducklings.....

A fellow Seer and a fellow Ravenclaw, the girl either was on her side or that of Dumbledores in this War.....

And Celestia was prepared to find out which one as soon as she came back from Pendragon castle....

For now, she offered the girl a discreet nod, before turning back to her friends and brothers, all of them talking about what they should do for Yule since they would be spending it together.

None of them noticed the little Ravenclaw smile brightly, looking as happy as one could be, as she was rewarded with Celestia's attention for a brief moment.


As Regulus walked back to the Slytherin Dungeon after telling Celestia Goodnight, he rose an eyebrow when he spotted Harry Potter sitting next to the entrance of the Common Room..

He stopped right in front of him, which made the teen look up, expression empty....

It was... unusual to see him look like that.

,, ...... You knew... didn't you...?.." He asked, making Regulus' confusion grow further.

,, Knew what ?" He asked, not in the mood to talk with his Godbrother.

He had a wonderful day celebrating his Girlfriend's birthday, and he didn't want to ruin the bliss by losing brain cells arguing with Harry.

,, ......Your Father...." Regulus froze. ,, ... He was the one who ratted my parents out to Voldemort."

Regulus balled his hands into fists, expression not giving anything away as he stared at the boy........

, How did he figure it out.....?.......' He wondered, knowing fully well that his parents definitely had not told him about it.

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