Chapter 62 : The Dark Mark

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,, Do you know the story behind the three Deathly Hallows, Hunter?" asked Celestia one day, the two Ravenclaws walking side by side along the shore of the lake near Pendragon castle........

It was a calm afternoon in the middle of their summer break, most inhabitants of the castle grounds having either left or remained hidden inside, left to their own devices, which is why Hunter was confused about why the witch would invite him over, even more, when she could have spent her time on more pressing matters.

,, ... You mean like The Tales of Beedle the Bard..?....." he asked, tilting his head at the white-haired girl at his side.

This entire situation was weird to him, and he couldn't exactly understand what Celestia was trying to do with this conversation, but he could guess it was one of her many weird ways to approach a topic he would probably not like..........

The witch was a mystery even to those closest to her, the fact that she liked to sometimes speak in riddles and make your work for an answer not helping the matter in the slightest.

It came with the fact that she grew up surrounded by people who challenged her mind in various aspects and taught her how to interact with those around her with matters that were meant to be kept private.

Not that he knew much about those either.......

Since Celestia never disclosed more information about them than necessary.........

Chuckling lightly, she gave a small nod of her head in confirmation. ,, Yes...... Have you heard of it ?" She asked, the two of them walking in a comfortable pace.

Hunter tried to remember that story, having once read it as a child.............

,, There were three Wizards..... brothers I think..?....... I dunno the exact words but they traveled across the land, found themselves by a river, and created a bridge to cross it." He said, digging through his memories to get these pieces of information.

,, *Chuckle* Indeed......... but can you tell me what happened after that ?" Celestia asked of him, clearly amused by his efforts.

Hunter shot her a playful glare but answered anyways. ,, Death appeared before them, feeling cheated, because the river they had managed to cross usually drowned those who tried passing it. He didn't like it, but pretended to congratulate them for evading him, and offered each brother a powerful Magical Item."

,, Which are?" asked the half-Veela.

Thinking for a moment he carefully answered with. ,, The first one asked for the most powerful Wand........ The second, wanting to mock Death asked for a way to bring back the dead to the lands of the living........ but the third asked for a way Death would not be able to follow him once he crossed the bridge, at which Death gifted him an Invisibility cloak."

He turned his eyes back to her. ,, The so-called three Deathly Hallows, consisting of a Cloak, a Wand, and a Stone."

Giving a pleased hum by his answer she nodded in confirmation. ,, Correct........." She glanced at him, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. ,, But that is not all, now is there?"

The male frowned, not understanding what she meant by that.......

Seeing his confusion, Celestia decided to help him a bit. ,, As you have said, Death did not appreciate the three brothers evading him..... Which is why he offered them the three Deathly Hallows, pretending to cave."

She took Hunter's offered arm as they crossed a bridge to get to the other side of the lake, quickly thanking him, before continuing with the story. ,, Antioch Peverell, the oldest brother had asked for the strongest of all Wands, meant for a Wizard who had managed to best even Death. So... Death took a branch from a nearby Elder tree, and a part of his own cloak, creating the Elder Wand, the first of the three Deathly Hallows." Shaking her head, she said. ,, Unfortunately though, Antioch couldn't help himself but boast about its' power, once he traveled to a nearby Wizarding Village and killed the Wizard he had once Duelled........ He evoked envy in those who listened to him, and the very same night when Antioch had gone to sleep, another Wizard sneaked into his Chambers, slitting his throat and taking the Elder Wand into his own possession."

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