Chapter 112 : Do you think Dumbledore will mourn for you?

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The next morning, after having eaten a deliciously prepared breakfast, Hermione and Harry left the room Celestia had let them stay in the night before and followed Oreon, the Head House elf of Pendragon castle, who had woken them up at exactly six o'clock on the orders of the young Heiress, towards the girl's office.

,, Her grace has a very busy schedule and does not appreciate tardiness of any kind, so on you go." said the elderly elf, shooing them inside the office after politely knocking at the doors to the chamber.

Both Gryffindors stumbled inside, looking around the room in barely contained awe, similar to how they felt the day before.

While Celestia's private chambers were big, and filled with all kinds of plants, books, scrolls, and personal things, her office represented all of her work, not a single space not covered in blueprints, artifacts, and finished projects.

Papers were flying in the air, sorting or neatly arranging themselves into piles. Scrolls whizzed past them, making them jump and turn to face the person sitting behind the large desk at the end of the room, silver hair immaculately braided as always, and gloved fingers catching the incoming pieces of parchment without sparing a glance up.

Aelius stood behind her, his hands clasped together in front of him as if waiting for instructions, his hooded figure not hiding his welcoming smile directed at them as he bowed his head in greeting.

His movements caught the attention of the half-Veela, who lifted her head to face their guests, her golden eyes, which were framed by a pair of glasses, remaining unbothered by their presence as she let out a hum.

,, Cousin, Hermione...." greeted the witch, snapping her fingers at which all movement inside the office ceased to exist. ,, We did not expect you for another forty-two seconds.... count me impressed by your timely arrival."

,, .... Ehm.... You're welcome..?...." replied Harry, unsurely glancing at Hermione, who sighed at him, and turned to face Celestia, the half-Veela smirking at his reply, clearly amused.

,, Please take a seat." said the witch, gesturing to the chairs on the opposite side of the desk, which they took, still a bit hesitant about the entire situation.

,, Would you like something to drink? Water? Coffe? Tea?" asked the half-Veela, tilting her head at them.

,, No... thank you." answered Hermione, Harry shook his head but mumbled something similar in return.

Shrugging the silver-haired witch leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs as she asked. ,, Straight to business then.... So, how may I help you two on this fine morning?"

Hermione and Harry shared a look, both remembering the questions that had plagued them this morning and the night before......

,, Yesterday.... when you talked about the Olympians trying to kill you because of what your ancestors did." said Hermione, briefly glancing at Aelius, before settling back on Celestia. ,, The wrath of one god is often described as disastrous in the stories of ancient Greece....... all of Olympus however is a massacre in the making......"

The Gryffindor gulped, nervously fiddling with her fingers. ,, How long do we have...?........" she asked, allowing herself to sound desperate.

She knew the gods would not just stop at the Grindelwald Heiress...... Once having gotten rid of all the Pendragons, they would not hesitate to eliminate the rest of all those who could potentially take their place, which meant every Mage on this planet was at risk of being brutally murdered in a few short years.....

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