Chapter 50 : Like mother, like daughter

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,, See you tomorrow, Eliza!" bid Marissa Goodwill, a fellow Prefect, waving goodbye with a bright smile on her face.

Eliza returned her grin with a small smile of her own, which immediately vanished after the girl had stormed away far enough.

, ..Finally......... I thought she'd never stop talking.' thought the white-haired beauty, letting out a long, tired sigh as she walked back to the Slytherin Dungeons...

If there was one thing Eliza hated more than anything, it was chatty people.

They always overstepped boundaries, and never knew when to keep their bloody mouths shut......

The Grindelwald simply couldn't deal with such kind of people...

So she was pretty glad to finally get away from the overly chatty Hufflepuff....

As her feet carried her towards the common room entrance she stopped in her tracks as she heard muffled sobbing from near her.........

She furrowed her eyebrows and quietly followed after the sound, trying to find whoever was crying and hopefully calm them down.....

Those plans were immediately thrown out of her mind when she found no other than Regulus Black, her sister's Boyfriend and childhood friend sitting on the ground, with his knees tucked under his chin as he tried to muffle his sobs.......

,, Regulus..?..Hey....." She kneeled down in front of him, filled with worry. ,, What happened..?.."

,, He left me, Lizzie.." He sobbed, voice shaking. ,, ... Sirius left me alone at Grimmauld and went to the Potters.........."

Eliza opened her eyes wide at the news........

Oh, she knew about the issues Walburga and Orion had with their children....

She had healed Sirius one too many times for her liking, and while Walburga had gotten better over the past couple of years, the abuse still happened, though much less common now.

It may sound horrendous, and it most definitely was wrong to think about abuse in such a nonchalant manner, but for Pure-bloods? This was what their childhoods and everyday life looked like.

Some were lucky... but most of their Generation was being raised by parents who have been raised the exact same way and see no problem with laying the occasional hand on their children when they decided to act 'difficult'.

Hell, Eliza had gotten incredibly lucky that her mother and father were only mentally abusive to her and that came with her being very well behaved.......

When you had someone like Sirius walking around a house with his direct counterpart, alias Walburga, ready to explode at any second, it was a whole different story.

Eliza partly blamed herself whenever she saw the teen hide his Injuries, or play them off, since James was definitely influencing the male to act against his parents, and she was James' main parental figure at Hogwarts......

And look where that had gotten her younger brother. A notorious prankster and bully that had most of the Slytherin first years crying within the first week of being enrolled and questioning why the Sorting Hat put them in the House of the hated........

Not only that but since her beloved mother refused to answer the Letters of raging parents, she was left to do damage control......

She had seen and heard all there was.

From worried parents who didn't understand why her brother was bullying their children, and asking for an explanation and apology to Howlers yelling at her and threatening to come to Hogwarts themselves and drag James to the Ministry......

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