Chapter 93 : The Advance Guard

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It was the fourth day after Harry's encounter with the Dementor, and he was slowly but surely losing his mind.

, ...They keep secrets from you.......' the voices in the back of his mind whispered as he continued pacing through the living room of the Dursley home, ignoring the fearful glances of his still-in-shock cousin Dudley who sat on the sofa.

His parents and Harry's parents were currently in another room, heatedly discussing something they were obviously not meant to hear, but Harry could guess it was about this entire situation...

No sane Muggle would want someone who brought danger into their home to remain there.....

,, I know that...." he replied out loud, gritting his teeth.

He knew the voices weren't just speaking about his parents.......

Ron and Hermione had remained awfully quiet this whole summer, and even now, at a time when he needed them most they did not reply to his Letters, nor did they make any other effort to contact him.

It was one thing for them to ignore his letters where he wrote about the usual boring summer stuff...... but it was another to ignore his pleas for help, or at least answers.

,, The only shot I've got is Hedwig getting through to wherever 'Tia or Reg are..... Or Jasper if he didn't throw the Letter away that is..." said Harry, mumbling the last part to himself.

He wished he could call or message them, but unfortunately, he was being watched at every hour of the day, and it certainly wouldn't end well for him once his parents found a secret phone in his possession.

, Why does everything in my life have to be so complicated!?' he asked himself, inwardly screaming.

, ... Because you are letting it be dictated by adults who themselves have never experienced something akin to what you're being made to go through.' the voices spoke, and Harry halted, eyes widening.

, ...... Did you just reply to my question....?...' he asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't actually turning insane.

While the voices did reply to him more often than not, they never replied directly, preferring to answer him in the form of observations.

, .... We did....' they replied, and Harry felt a sharp pain circling through the left side of his head, making him groan out in pain and touch it to identify the cause.

,, What the hell...." he muttered, retreating his hand only to spot small drops of blood that seemed to have come out of his ear.

This.... was not good.

,, Did you do this?" he asked out loud, making Dudley flinch.

,, What?" the frightened boy asked, unsurely glancing from Harry's face to his hand, where he saw the small amounts of blood.

, .... They are speaking lies..... Never trust those who pretend to want the best for you......' they replied, once again returning to not answering him directly.

,, Hey! I know you guys can answer me!" said Harry, glaring at nothing in particular as he felt another wave of pain wash over him.

Dudley, who didn't know what he was talking about answered. ,, I don't know what you're talking about! Are you nuts or something?!"

,, Shut up!" said Harry, now directly facing Dudley. ,, I'm not talking to you, nor would you and your pea-sized brain begin to understand if I explained it to you!"

The sound of something knocking against the window interrupted their conversation.

,, What now..?!-" Harry turned around, ready to expect another nuisance, only to be met by the sight of a very familiar white/grey Barn Owl that accompanied Hedwig.

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