Chapter 35 : A Hippogriff named Buckbeak

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,, You guys get stared at a lot." Hunter observed as they all took a seat at the Ravenclaw table the next morning for breakfast.

,, Why thank you-"

,, We hadn't noticed." Fred and George replied sarcastically, the twins have been under receiving end of stares from students and Professors alike, since yesterday evening.

Everyone had been in sheer disbelief after seeing the two famed red-heads sprouting white hair...........

Not only that but they now wore brand new Robes and held themselves with a confidence normally only Slytherins had.

,, Did everything go well ?" Celestia asked them, Regulus sitting next to her with his head buried in his Arithmancy book.

They sighed, sitting down. ,, As well as it could....."

When they entered Professor McGonagall's office yesterday evening, they could have sworn that the woman had an aneurysm.

Fred and George had to go to their Head of the House to inform her of certain changes, concerning their living situation, but they wanted to do anything but that.

Since they were now officially the children of Eliza Grindelwald, who was deceased, Narcissa and Lucius had agreed to become the twins' Godparents, which meant all official school-related business must be sent to them and approved of, replacing Arthur and Molly Weasley's.

Not only that but they had to change some of their classes, switching Divination with Arithmancy and Muggle Studies with Forgotten Arts.......

They could have sworn Professor McGonagall had been ready to faint after they had finished the meeting.

Celestia gave them a sheepish smile, feeling sorry for her older brothers.

,, Look at it from the bright side." Hunter said, currently busying himself by stacking a House of Cards. ,, Now that it's over, you have one thing less to worry over."

,, That's surprisingly wise, coming from someone who has the attention span of a Flobberworm." Hannah joked, Susan and Aiden snickering as Hunter turned to Celestia, pouting. ,, They're bullying me again."

Celestia chuckled, shaking her head.

Sometimes she felt like a mother, raising her children.

,, Good morning, children." Professor Flitwick greeted, smiling as he arrived at their usual spot at the Ravenclaw table.

,, Good morning, Professor." They greeted back, smiling.

Filius Flitwick was one of everyone's favorite Professors, his fair nature and his willingness to help students made it hard for anyone to hate him.

,, Here are your Timetables." He said, handing them out. ,, You all have chosen some challenging subjects this year. Should any difficulties arise, do not hesitate to come to me or your Head of the House. Remember, our office doors will always be open for students in need of help."

He then turned to Celestia. ,, Miss Grindelwald-Lestrange..... I presume your Injuries have healed sufficiently enough? No lasting Effects ?"

The Half-Veela saw the worry in the man's eyes, something that made her lips curl up into a natural smile. ,, My Injuries have healed well...... Thank you for asking, Professor."

Filius felt a huge boulder fall from his shoulders, glad that the girl was still alive and well...............

,, That is good to hear....Oh-! And between us.."
He leaned closer, whispering. ,, Mister Potter and Mister Weasley may or may not have been tasked to polish all the Cauldrons spotless under the watchful eye of Mr. Filch for the rest of the year...."

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