Chapter 101 : New Faces and the Sorting Hats New Song

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,, Whoever thought it was a good idea to make Prefect meetings that boring deserves a kick in the arse....." said Hunter, as the group made their way back to their usual Compartment.

It had taken an hour for the bloody meeting to finish, thanks to the fact that all Houses now held six new Prefects ( three girls and three boys each ), because most of the elder Prefects had graduated, and adjustments to schedules and new partners for patrols had to be made.

Not only that, but the Head boy informed them of two new additions to the staff, as well as a transfer student from Ilvermorny who would join the new fifth-year students.

Depending on which House they joined, one prefect each had been selected to show them around Hogwarts and help them adjust to life in the respected House in any way they could, something that wasn't exactly welcomed by certain individuals.

,, I'm actually more surprised about some of the other Prefects." said Susan, turning to look at Hunter over Celestia's shoulder, the Hufflepuff using the taller Ravenclaw as a walking headrest. ,, I mean... can any of us confidently say that they expected Ron Weasley to sit with us at that meeting?"

Prefects were chosen by their grades, integrity, and general ability to keep calm in stressful situations.

Ron Weasley, sadly, had none of such talents.

His grades were usually along the lines of Acceptables, with the occasional Exceeding Expectations, and sometimes a Poor or Dreadful, from what Harry had told them in the few conversations where they talked about such topics.

He also had few friends, who for the better part all belonged to the same House and were in their year, and frequently got into trouble for his slacking nature.....

To speak plainly, nobody would have expected someone like him to receive the authority that came with the Prefect position.

,, Obviously not." replied Regulus, the fingers of his left hand intertwined with those of Celestia. ,, My personal choice lay with Neville Longbottom. I'm disappointed to see that he was not one of the three chosen."

Neville Longbottom may have been a catastrophe when it came to Potions, but he was a genius when it came to flora and fauna, and could frequently be spotted carrying around a new plant or book about them.

Sure, he was a bit of a clutz and incredibly shy, but he had several good acquaintances in the other Houses, and like Hannah and Susan helped the younger students with their course work, making him well-liked amongst his peers.

He had also come to Celestia and himself personally after the trial of the Lestranges to apologize for what his parents had helped accomplish in the last war, the two new generations of their respective families coming to a truce after the Blood-Debt had been deemed paid with blood spilled on both sides.

,, Daphne Greengrass was to be expected." spoke Theo, from Regulus's other side. ,, Along with Pansy Parkinson. The two of them are after all quite good in the academic Department, and listed rather high in the ranks last year."

It wasn't all that surprising though, since it was custom that girls of highly influential families like the Greengrass's, or the Parkinson's, received the same education as the male Heirs of their families, or possible that of their future suitors.

Daphne and Pansy had been raised alongside Regulus, Theodore, and Draco for most of their lives, and had it not been for Celestia's re-appearance to the Wizarding World, it would have been highly possible that Daphne and Regulus would have been the ones betrothed as of now.....

Theo could still remember the two of them trying to stab the other's eye out in their fencing lessons, back when they were six.......

, That match would have most definitely ended with one of them poisoning the other.....' thought the Slytherin, glancing at his childhood friend, who was offering his girlfriend a light smile as he affectionately gazed down at her, while she talked about one thing or another. , ....... By how besotted that fool is I have no doubt he would have refused to marry anyone that wasn't Celestia Grindelwald.....'

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