Chapter 30 : The Road to Recovery

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For a moment there was nothing but silence as Fred and George held onto Celestia.

Due to her hold losening on them, Harry and Ginerva stumbled forward also, their falls cushioned by Professor McGonagall Transfigurating two chairs into pillows and sending them their way, as Professor Flitwick used a Cusioning Charm to soften the floor.

,, Dear Salazar and Morgan....!!! Celestia..!" Xavier rushed forward, Amelia and Lucius close on his heels while the twins looked like they were about have a panic attack when they realized just how much blood their little sister in all but blood was covered in.

It soaked their hands and uniforms, coating them in a kind of warmth that felt wet and most unwelcome.......

Their arms twitched, resisting the urge to let go of the younger witch and view the true demage done, for if they did they would not be able to keep their magic from lashing out.

Amelia kneeled down and put two fingers against the girl's throat, trying to find pulse....



Having found one, albeit weak, the head of the D.M.L sighed in relief. ,, She's got a pulse."

,, What are you doing !?" Fred and George cried out, watching as Madam Pomfrey tended to Harry and Ginny, sometimes shooting Celestia nervous glances, wanting to help the girl, but being unable to with the kind of injuries she had received.

Her arm had looked like it had been torn to shreds, and while the Mediwitch knew how to mend broken bones and heal wounds, she couldn't provide the care required for the girl to keep the function of her limb.

,, She's injured far more than the both of them combined-!"

,, You've got to help her first!" The twins exclaimed, inwardly already having long since realized that the woman would not be able to give Celestia the care she desperatley needed.....

Still.... They needed something or someone to bloody help her!

,, Fred and George Weasley, how could you-!"

Xavier put a comforting hand on both boys' shoulders. ,, Boys.... It's not the time to argue... Just stay close to your sister and keep these pressed down on her injury with as much strenght as you have." he instructed, handing them both a piece of cloth.

The twins hesitantly nodded, immediately turning back to Celestia and pressing the pieces of cloth down on her arm without a second thought spared, shocking Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

For the past year and a half, their sons had turned distant from them and especially their two youngest...... only ever talking with Percy or sometimes answering their older brother Charlie's letters to them.

When Ronald told them that the twins were spending an awful lot of time together with Celestia Grindelwald-Lestrange, things started to make sense to the Weasley Matriarch.

Molly had been in her seventh year when Eliza entered Hogwarts, and from the very moment she laid eyes on her she could tell that the girl would cause nothing but trouble.

Disowned from the Potter Line, sorted into Slytherin, and actually having the nerve to encourage others to practice the Olde Ways.....

The girl's only good feature had been her appearance, but even that left nought but a bitter aftertaste when faced with her personality and the fact that she had once been disowned...

Eliza looked at the world and its occupants as if they were lesser than her and the rest of her family.

Yet there were few who ever uttered a bad word about her in their Hogwarts days, and even less so with each year that passed....

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