Chapter 80 : The Egg and the realization

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A week before the second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, Regulus and Celestia found themselves sitting beneath the familiar shadows of the Oak tree near the Black lake, with Fenris and Chrome at their side.

The half-Veela was leaning against her Boyfriend with her back against his chest, and his head resting on top of hers', Fenris wrapped around the pair, silently observing Chrome who was sitting on Celestia's lap and playing with a spoon he had most definitely pocketed after breakfast this morning......

The Asgardian Wolf wouldn't be surprised if the Niffler managed to steal an entire worth of silverware utensils by the time they left Hogwarts.... if he hadn't already that is.

Celestia was glad to see her companion in his element with no worry clouding his mind, her own thoughts scattered and screaming at her from all directions, causing her constant migraines that only seemed to lessen when Regulus was by her side gently letting his hands run through her hair or simply across her back in calming circles similar to how he was doing right now......

It was funny how whenever she thought she couldn't fall any deeper for her sweet Reggie, he proved her wrong by doing something as casually as taking care of her.

Her heart soared with love as she felt his cold hands carefully move along her sides, gently playing with the ends of his Green Scarf which he had wrapped around her neck, while he himself had taken her's to wear.

He had switched them with the argument that his had heating Charms on his and would keep her protected from the harsh winds that still lingered across the castle grounds, though she knew in actuality he merely enjoyed the sight of her dressed in something of his.

For someone as tall and lanky as him it was rather funny to see his tiny girlfriend being swallowed in his clothes, which she found incredibly unfair because she was one of the tallest girls in their year, yet she and the other girls of their group looked like gnomes in comparison to the boys...

She inwardly cursed her bloody DNA for allowing her brothers to have been blessed with their height while she grew at the rate of a regular cactus.

,, I can see the gears in your head turning, my love." said Regulus, pressing a kiss to the side of her head as she continued to gaze at the Black Lake, eyes filled with unease. ,, What troubles you, mon petit lapin?" (my little rabbit) he asked her, spotting the familiar dreamy glaze form over her bi-colored eyes.

For the Lion to find his treasure he must be quick, because if he won't the Badger might otherwise find a trick..........

Deep beneath the waves, two chained Maidens will be found, one they love the other their mind haunts.....

Choosing wisely is a must, for the Lord of the sea is keen on keeping one of them for himself if time is to trust......

Her Ancestress having escaped him once, he will not let her go for he enjoys the hunt....

Blessed by Chaos itself, the fire of dragons burns brightly with her chest......

This power, deemed a threat, will either bring victory or an early death.....

Her vision slowly began to return to normal, a soft melody entering her mind in its place.

,, ... Hmm... hm... Mhm.... hmm..." she unconsciously began humming along, her hand wrapping around the pendant of her necklace as it gave off a very faint yellow glow.

Regulus merely sat there, holding her to him as she continued doing so, seemingly lost in her own world for the time being.

After all, there wasn't much he could do besides wait for her to talk to him about what she may have seen or in this case heard..

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