Chapter 10

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It's time for the girly night Cara suggested and in all honesty, I don't want to go down there and have to sit with her knowing I just kissed her boyfriend.

If I don't go, however, everyone will suspect something and the last thing I want is them finding out.

"Ready to go?" Vanessa asks, rushing in with her pyjamas on and her hair in plaits.

"Will you pick me out something to wear?" I groan.

Today was so shit, after Niall left I had to go to my other classes all of which were super tough and all I could manage to think about was Niall. This ended in a result of extra homework in math and having to go to the front of the class and do an equation that I made pretty clear I was incapable of doing.

"These," Vanessa says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

She gets out a plain black, long sleeved top with PINK printed across it in white and some black and white checked shorts.

"Thanks," I smile, throwing them on, grabbing my phone and following her out of our flat.

Cara swings open the door, giving us hugs before letting us in. She looks so pretty all the time and it's totally effortless. Niall is stupid.

"You look nice," I say.

You just kissed her boyfriend, I hear in my head.

"Thank you, you do too," she laughs, heading into the living room where Lucy is sat stuffing her face with popcorn.

Suddenly I hear bellowing laughter from what sounds like boys next door in the bedroom. I walk over to the door and open it to find, Harry, Niall and Louis sprawled across the bed, watching sponge-bob.

"Talk about a girls night," I say, referring to the boys.

"Sorry. They were bored, but Liam and Zayn didn't want to come so its not like they're outnumbering us," Cara explains, looking guilty.

Niall walks in with Harry and Louis by his side.

"Hi," Harry smiles, picking me up and sitting me in his lap.

Did he not understand what I said earlier?

"What are you doing?" I say quietly.

"I just wanted a cuddle is that so bad?" he says.

Niall glances at me and we share awkward eye contact as he sits next to Cara.

"It is when we aren't even together," I whisper, watching Niall to make sure he doesn't hear.

I see him watching us, the feeling of guilt is evident on his face.

*Niall's Pov*

I see them whispering and I want to punch myself, Harry seems so happy and I've fucked it all up by kissing her.

Harry frowns, pushing Jade off his knee and she falls onto the floor.

"Harry! What did you do that for?" Vanessa shouts.

"Because I can," he yells.

"You sat me on you, you dick," Jade replies, scraping her fingers through her hair.

"I'm going back to my place," he huffs, slamming the front door, after he'd got up.

"Good," she screams, making sure he hears her.

"Jade what was that all abo-" Lucy begins.

"Nothing just leave it," she grumbles, rolling her eyes.

*Jades Pov*

Harry is being such an ass and I don't know why. It was just a little joke he's taken way too far.

"Maybe we should go sort him out. Come on Niall. Have a good night girls," Louis says, pulling Niall out the door.

"Doubt it," I mumble, under my breath.

"Aw, look what Luke's just text me," Lucy says, showing us all her phone.

'I miss you x'

"I bet he does," I laugh in disbelief.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Lucy asks me, looking offended.

"Nothing, I just don't trust him," I say.

"And why not? You don't even know him," she asks, rolling her eyes at me.

"He's my ex, and I know exactly what he's like," I tell her.

"Oh so that's why you're saying all this. Because you can't control your jealousy," she says, defending his corner.

"Trust me Lucy. He can't keep his hands to himself, it happened to me it will happen to you too," I sigh.

"Well look at you. You aren't exactly miss sunshine. You never go out, never smile, you're like a piece of fucking paper- blank and boring. He won't cheat on me, he's told me already just how much I mean to him," she spits angrily.

I can't believe she's just said that. What the fuck.

"I'm only fucking warning you. There's no need to speak to me like shit," I shout.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Guys stop it," Vanessa shouts.

Lucy storms into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

"l think i'll go back to our flat." I sigh, holding my head.

I have enough on my plate with Niall and now Harry without having these two having a go.

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