Chapter 86- "yeah too little too late"

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I pull up outside the huge building getting out of my car and running up to the main doors.

Getting out my credit card, I rush to the main desk and speak to the woman; luckily my plan can go ahead.


I'm currently sitting watching Pretty Little Liars with an ice cream tub in my hand.

I can't stop thinking of Niall and waiting for that phone call or text is eating away at me so much.

"It's been a very long day," Acacia sighs, sitting next to me.

"Tell me about it," I mutter.

"What time is it?" she asks.

"Like half eleven," I reply.

"Great. I did have an assignment due tomorrow too. Guess I'll have to become sick somehow," she chuckles.

"I'm gonna have to tell someone that I need maternity leave because I was going to carry on like normal but my stomach is so big now it's getting a lot harder than I planned," I sigh, placing a hand on top of my bump.

"I know. Are you still not planning on telling Niall?" she questions.

I shake my head, "he hasn't spoken to me in months. Does he still expect to be apart of our baby's life?" I mumble.

"I understand. I don't agree with it but I understand," Acacia sighs.

"Yes Acacia you have made it very clear you think what I am doing is wrong. Thank you for again telling me," I huff, walking into the kitchen and putting my ice cream away.

"I'm just trying to be a good friend Jade," Acacia reasons, sitting at a bar stool.

"I know," I groan, "but I don't have a choice anymore," I shrug.

Acacia gets up and pulls me in for a hug.

"It will all be ok," Acacia tells me.

"I hope so," I whisper.

She leaves the hug and I go to our bedroom where I get changed into some shorts and a vest top as none of my old pyjamas fit me anymore which is quite depressing because I love them.

I climb into bed, putting my glasses on my night stand and positioning myself so I'm comfortable before trying to get some sleep.


"Jade," I hear someone whisper in my ear.

I jump up in fright and face Acacia.

"What are you doing it's three o'clock in the morning," I hiss.

"Someone is banging at the door and I don't want to open it what if I get murdered?" she cries.

"Like that's going to happen," I roll my eyes.


I stare at her.

"Are you going to open it or not?" she asks.

"Not," I mutter, my face now stuffed in my pillow.

"Jade," she hisses.

"Fine," I groan, getting up.

My stomach looks bigger than when I went to sleep, maybe it's just because my vest is so fitted.

I slope to the door and unlock it.

I open it and feel like I'm going to faint.

"Jade I am so sorr-"

He stares at me, his eyes wider than ever and swallows evidently.

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