Chapter 12

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"Cara," I say.

She's stood, her mascara dripping from her small cheeks, her eyes glassey, I can see the pain in her stare.

"Is it true?" she chokes.

I nod my head slowly, unable to speak.

"I thought you were my friend," she cries, wiping her tears away.

"I am," I reply.

"Clearly," she huffs, running out of our flat and down the hall.

"What do I do Vanessa?" I say, my head is a mess. I can't believe this has happened.

"I don't know," she replies.

I jump up from my position on the bed and follow the direction Cara went in, but she's nowhere to be found.

I lean against the wall and slide down until I'm in my own little ball. Cara hates me, she's going to tell Niall she knows and he'll hate me. Everyone will hate me. This isn't anything like me, I feel unbelievably guilty.

"Jade?" a voice says.

I peer up, wiping away my tears, to see Harry staring down at me, his eyes full of worry.

"Whats wrong?" he mutters, bending down and holding my hand.

"Everything," I cry, shaking my head.

"Come here," he mumbles, pulling me up by my hand.

He begins to walk me back to my flat but I don't have the guts to face anyone.

"No Harry, I can't go back there," I cry frantically.

"Alright alright, it's ok, i'll take you to mine," he says softly, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Ok," I mutter.

He's the only one who'll talk to me so I'll just pretend he didn't piss me off earlier.

We arrive at his and he closes the door behind us. Just in case the boys are in there I try my best to make myself look presentable because I don't want them asking questions about why i'm such a mess.

"Its ok, everyone's gone out to the precinct so it'll just be me and you," Harry assures, obviously noticing me worrying.

I nod, but tied my hair up anyway as it's drenched in my tears and looks so scraggy.

"Now tell me why you're crying a river?" he sighs, pulling me to the sofa.

I groan, thinking about how ridiculous everything thats happened is, I really don't want to re-live it all but Harry is willing to help me so I have to.

"Well, if i'm going to tell the long story short, its that Cara found out that me and Niall kissed-"

"Woah. You and Niall kissed?" Harry asks.

"Yeah but let me finish. She ran off and now she probably hates me, Niall will find out I told her and he'll probably hate me, then everyone will hate me because i've upset them both," I inform him.

"Why did you tell Cara?" Harry questions in confusion.

"I didn't, she over-heard me and Vanessa talking about it in our room. She'd come in our flat, we didn't hear, but she definitely heard every word of our conversation," I sniff.

Harry reaches out his arms and pulls me into him, where I cry even more.

"Sorry about your shirt," I laugh, dabbing at the small mascara stains.

"Don't worry it will wash," he grins, making me chuckle.

"And if anything, Niall will be grateful you told her because he can finally stop acting like he wants to be with Cara" Harry says, fiddling with a strand of my ponytail.

"I suppose," I sigh, messing with his necklace.

Suddenly, there's a loud knock at the door. Harry gets me off his lap and I sit on the opposite side of the sofa, before walking over to the door.

"Where the fuck is she?" I hear a voice shout.

"She's not here Cara," Harry replies, calmly.

Oh shit.

"Harry I know you're fucking lying. She's in here isn't she?" she screams.

"Cara don't," I hear Harry yell but she shoots by him and straight into the living room.

"How could you?" she yells, tear drops pouring from her eyes.

"Cara, it was a mistake, I didn't mean it, I wasn't thinking-"

"Bullshit that's what they all say," she spits, quickly hitting me across the face and going for me again before Harry pulls her back.

"Cara stop, it won't solve anything," Harry shouts, holding her back firmly.

"Why are you standing up for her Harry? Can you not see how much of a toxic person she is? She used you too don't forget," Cara scoffs, pulling her wrists from his grip.

"We both did that to piss Niall off so don't just blame everything on her alright," he admits.

"I don't know why you even like her, she's just a desperate little bitch who steals other people's boyfriends because she can't get one of her own," Cara rants.

"Don't speak about her like that," Harry tells her.

"Why not? Why are you defending her and not me?" Cara shrieks.

"Because I like her okay?" Harry cries, his face falling seconds after.

"This is a fucking joke," Cara huffs, storming out of the door.

"Harry?" I say quietly.

"Don't," he sighs, walking into his bedroom.

Everything is getting too much. Did Harry mean it in the way I think he meant it?

Author's note:

I couldn't resist uploading this chapter. And I also thought it was a bit unfair leaving you with such a short chapter but this might be all you're getting for now, sorry.

So do u ship Hade or Jiall??????

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