Chapter 80- "i'm always here"

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Waking up every morning for the past few weeks knowing there is a tiny person growing inside of me is the weirdest thing in the world.

I haven't even told my mum and dad yet, I just don't know how to tell them.

What will they think?

"Hey, how you feeling?" Acacia asks, sitting on the bottom of my bed.

"I'm fine I guess. I still need to call my parents and tell them though," I sigh.

"So you've told Niall?" Acacia assumes, flicking through the pages of her favorite book.

I fiddle with my thumbs, looking down into my lap, "I may have not told him yet," I mutter.

"What! Jade this is his baby. You have to tell him," Acacia cries.

"He doesn't have time for a kid, he never will. The band keep getting bigger and bigger it's all too much for him already. I'm scared Acacia, scared of losing him. He hasn't called me since the concert. That was weeks ago, he is already too busy for me," I object, feeling my eyes fill up.

"He is in a band but he deserves to know he has a child Jade," Acacia sighs, putting her book aside.

"Acacia, he won't care ok," I insist, huffing and leaving the room to calm down.

I grab my hoodie from the sofa and run out of the dorm and outside to the fronts of the University.

Rain slashes against my face drenching my hair at the same time, what a shit day.
I sit on the edge of the kurb holding my knees to my chest.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I look down in hope to see Niall's name across my screen but of course it's not him, it's Acacia.

From Acacia:
Jade please listen to me, x

To Acacia:
Stop it. It's my life

From Acacia:
No it's the baby's

I sigh, locking my phone and digging it into my hoodie pocket.
I know I should tell Niall, I aren't that oblivious to my scenario, but i'm scared, terrified in fact that he'll not want me anymore.

I just need to hear his voice, maybe it will calm me down, put my mind at rest.

Quickly pulling out my phone, I dial his number tapping my foot anxiously.

"Hello?" his voice asks.

"Hey Ni," I mutter.

"Hi I've missed you," he says.

"I've missed you too. Where have you been?" I ask him, looking at the raindrops splattering across the tips of my converse.

"I have been super super busy these past few weeks i'm really sorry. Harry's been really stressing out, he is struggling to keep up with Darcy and family time lately," Niall tells me.

"Oh. Well I can understand why seen as you're so busy," I mumble, feeling my stomach drop.

"Yeah but if we were to ever have children of our own I'd make sure I'd be there for you as much as I possibly could," he reasons.

"Thanks Niall," I smile, well now I'm in a serious debate.

"How's Uni?" He asks.

"Ok I suppose, I miss you guys a lot though," I sigh.

"We miss you too babe," Niall replies.

"Niall can I tell you somethi-"

"I have to go babe I love you," he says quickly.

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