Chapter 31

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*3 Weeks later*

"I'm going to meet Harry at the arcades down the road, everyone else is going later. Want to come?" He asks.

I shake my head, taking a sip of my drink.

"I'm alright i'll stay here with Luce," I tell him.

He gives me a small kiss on the cheek and then skips out the door.

Deciding I want to get into my pyjamas, I slope into the bedroom to hear a muffled cry from under someone's sheets.

I walk over to them and pull them back to find Lucy, head in her hands, sobbing.

"Luce whats wrong?" I ask, placing myself beside her.

She looks up, her mascara staining her cheeks and red patches under her eyes. She pushes her hair out of her face and repositions herself.

"I'm in trouble. So much trouble," She mumbles, beginning to cry again.

I remove her head from her hands and pull her around so she's facing me.

"Just breath and tell me exactly why you're in trouble," I say, getting her some tissue from the bathroom.

She begins to breathe slower and manages to calm herself down, wiping her eyes.

"I...I think....I could be..." She begins, hiccupping.

"Lucy you think you're what?" I ask seriously.

"I think I might be....Pregnant," she squeaks, looking at me with worried eyes.

"Where's my phone?" I say, searching for it frantically.

I run to my bed and pull it out from under the messed up sheet. Quickly, I go onto my texts and begin to message Niall.

To Ni: Hi, I need a favour?

I sit down on the bed next to Lucy and she goes into the bathroom to clean herself up.

From Ni: Anything, name it?x

To Ni: Please will you ask Paul to get a pregnancy test from the chemist

From Ni: Jade, why?

To Ni: Its for a friend and I don't want any fans to see me and make assumptions or see her and do the same. Please?x

From Ni: Course babe. Give him 15 x

To Ni: Thank you x

I knock on the bathroom door where Lucy is and she walks out, her make up removed and hair tied back.

"Are you ok?" I question, slipping my phone into my back pocket.

"I think, but I was sick a minute ago. I was this morning too. I have been for a week now," she mutters, walking past me and into the living room.

"Niall's asked Paul to get you a pregnancy test," I inform her, sitting in front of the television.

"What? No! What if Niall tells Harry?" She cries.

"Harry's the father?" I gawp, only now realising.

Lucy blushes a deep shade of red and switches the television on.

"If I am then yes it will be his," she admits, looking at her hands in embarrassment.

After ten minutes, I hear the bus door slam and Niall flies in, pregnancy test in hand, searching my expression.

"Thank you," I smile, kissing his cheek.

He looks over at Lucy's face, his mouth dropping open.

"Is it for you?" Niall questions.

"Yes...But if you tell anyone I will beat you Horan," she warns, pointing a finger at him.

"Wait, is it Harry's?" He cries.

Lucy bows her head, her cheeks flushing pink like before.

"If I am, then yes it would be his," she mutters, causing Niall to jump up and down, getting even more excited than before.

"Keep this to yourself Ni please," Lucy begs, taking the box from his hands.

"I promise I won't breathe a word of it," he insists, saying goodbye and hopping out the door.

"Want me to wait with you while you do it?" I offer and Lucy nods her head, walking towards the bathroom door.

I patiently wait outside and tap my foot feeling nervous for her. She finally opens the door after about 5 minutes of waiting, looking sheepish as she shut the door behind her.

"Positive?" I assume.

She stands, peering down at it, a small tear rolling down her cheek before she shakes her head.

"No there's only one line," she says, walking past me to the kitchen.

"Alright good, panic over" I sigh as she leans against the counter.

"Here i'll go put it in the bin," I say, going to grab it, only for her to pull away.

"No. You've done enough for me, thanks Jade," she says rather quickly and runs to go put it in the bin at the other end of the kitchen.

I shrug off her weird behaviour and text Niall to say that i'm meeting him at the arcades.

"Coming to the arcades?" I shout to Lucy, from the door.

"No, i'm good here," she calls from the living room.

I skip out of the door, shutting it behind me making my way to the car and checking my notifications as the car sets off.


I pull out the test from my jumper pocket and stare at it.

I stare at the lines.

The two lines clear as day.

Why did I not just tell Jade the truth?

I'm pregnant with Harry Styles' baby. And I don't know what to do.

Author's Note:
You know would be gud
If u kept votin

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