Chapter 75- "thank you"

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I can't do it.

I just can't walk into that building, jump on a plane and fly to another country knowing who i'm leaving behind.

"You ready?" Niall asks, making me jump from my thoughtstream to reality again.

His blue eyes are dark without their usual shine.

"How could I ever be ready to leave you," I mutter, tears quickly errupting in my eyes.

"Just as ready as I am to say good bye so; completely and entirely not ready at all," he whispers beginning to cry.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his around my waist as I feel his tears dampen my shoulder.

"We should go and get my luggage sorted," I say after a while.

"Come on then," he sighs letting go of me and gripping tightly onto my hand as we make our way up to the main entrance.

Everyone's trailing behind each one of them crying which makes this shit even harder.

I hand the lady at the desk my big suitcases keeping my carry ons and give her everything that's needed after a huge wait in line.

"Where do we go now?" Niall asks.

"We wait for my plane," I say, literal waterfalls of tears escaping my eyes.

"Jade please stop I hate to see you cry," he pleads brushing his thumb under my eyelashes and wiping away my tears.

"I can't stand the thought of leaving you Niall," I sniffle.

"So don't," he whispers tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and cupping my cheek.

"I have to," I mumble, falling into his arms.

"You don't," Niall says.

"I don't have the money to, me and my parents are struggling as it is Niall please don't make this any harder than it already is," I beg.

I look over his shoulder at all my best friends they're a mess and all hugging or comforting each other.

"Why is life such a piss take," I huff.

Niall chuckles at my comment, "I don't know babe, it just is," he smiles.

Just to hear him laugh gives me a glint of warmth back inside of me, it kind of hides the pain of leaving.

"Thank you," I smile lightly.

"For what?" he questions.

"Everything. The day I met you Niall I so badly wanted to just let myself fall for you but I stopped myself and I kept telling myself that if I did it would just be retake of Josh. Little did I know the thing I thought could be the worst thing that could happen to me was actually the best thing that could ever happen to me," I smile.

"I am nothing like Josh, he's a low life dick. I don't even know how he ever got you," Niall says.

"I still don't know what you see in me," he chuckles locking our fingers.

"What every other girl would see. An amazing, talented, gorgeous, sweet and caring person," I hum.

"No, that's you," he smiles pressing a kiss to my lips.

I pull away after seconds earning a strange look from him.

"I love you," I mutter.

"I love you more," he smiles pulling me back against his lips.

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