Chapter 65- "is it true?"

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Niall's been acting funny since that meeting with Simon, in fact, all the boys have. I try asking him about it but he just constantly finds a way of getting out of the conversation.

"Hey," Niall say, climbing into bed beside me.

"Hi," I mutter, scrolling through my emails.

He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder.

"We should all do something today," he suggests.

"Yeah, if I can be bothered," I laugh lightly.

"Course you can, we're only here for so long," he says, kissing my cheek.

"You clearly don't know me Horan," I smirk, clicking off my emails seeing one from University pop up.

"Hey, your Uni emailed you," Niall points out.

"I'll look at it later," I smile, shutting my laptop and putting it on my drawers.

He lets me go and I walk over to my closet wanting to wear some comfy clothes today.
I get out a peachy pink jumper and some leggings, then pull a grey beanie over my hair after combing through it.
Once I finish with my light make up, I brush my teeth and take myself to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning," Louis smiles, getting out some cereal.

"Hi, you going to the hospital today?" I ask.

"Yeah around 4 o'clock. I think i'm just going to chill till then," he says.

"Oh ok, mind if I come with?" I ask.

"Not at all, feel free," he grins, walking into the living room with his cereal.

I nod, putting some bread in the toaster and waiting for it to pop up before buttering it and joining everyone in the living room.
I sit down next to Cara who seems to be a little bit on edge today and i'm not sure why.

"Hey," I smile.

"Hi," she mumbles, fixing her gaze to the television.

"You ok Cara?" I ask.

"Fine," she shrugs, not moving anything but her shoulders.

"You sure?" I say.

"Yes," she says rather sharply.

I mutter an 'ok' before beginning to eat my toast.

"Selena's coming over if that's ok guys," Liam informs us, earning a nod and a couple of yes'.

There's soon a knock at the door and in she walks in, her black dress hugging her figure and white converse heard across the wooden flooring.

"Hey," she smiles.

"Hiya," Lucy says, feeding Darcy.

"So, what do you guys have planned?" she asks, resting her black handbag on the coffee table.

"Nothing planned, but I guess we could all do something," Zayn shrugs.

"Yes we should. I haven't got myself looking all pretty to sit on a bus for hours," she laughs.

"Well me and Lou are going to see Vanessa at the hospital around four so we can do anything up till then," I explain.

She nods and sits down next to Cara.


I'm still laid in bed, i'm sure I just heard the front door go. As I'm getting out of bed Jade's laptop pings again signalling she's gotten another email from University once I lift the lid.
I type in her password and click on both emails.

Dear Jade Thirlwall,

We understand we've left you in a very tricky situation but we need to know your decision as soon as possible because we can only save your spot for so long.

"Hey what you doing?" Jade asks, walking in.

I cross off her emails and quickly get up google.

"I just wanted to search for some new clothes," I lie.

"Ni you have enough clothes," she laughs, sitting beside me and snuggling into my side.

"You can help me," I smile.

"Ok," she agrees and we search for me some stuff before she excuses herself to go to the bathroom.

I re-open her emails and click on the second one she's received today.

Dear Jade Thirlwall,

Our recent email hasn't been replied to since this morning when we sent it. We need to know your decision, please don't leave it till last minute, this will affect your future massively. Its either the tour or University. We're sorry.

My heart sank, how will she choose?

I feel tears prick my eyes and I press my fingers to them trying to stop the tears before she comes back.

She did and I'm still crying a little.

"Ni what's wrong?" she asks, immediately sitting by me and resting a hand on my arm.

"I just saw some picture about Family on my twitter and I just miss mine," I lie, trying to smile.

I want her to tell me herself, I don't want it to seem like I've been snooping.

"You have me," she smiles, kissing my cheek and pulling me into her for a hug.

"I know," I mutter.


I pull away, pecking his lips lightly and leaving the room.

"Hey Jade, we should go to the hospital now then we can come back and just relax," Louis suggests.

"Ok, let me just grab my phone," I smile, getting it from the side and slipping my Uggs on before sliding it in my pocket and following him out the door.

We arrive at the hospital shortly and walk to Vanessa's room knocking quietly before we enter.

"Hi," she grins, setting down a magazine.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I ask.

"Fine I guess. I remembered some things yesterday, tell her Lou," she smiles happily.

"Yeah you did. She remembered the day we met," he says, smiling so widely I feel a little bubble of happiness strike my stomach, he looks so proud and almost as if he's going to cry.

"That's amazing Vanessa," I say, sitting down.

"I know and I also know that is sounds ridiculous but just to even remember what I had for breakfast one day makes me happy," she chuckles.

My phone begins to buzz lightly in my pocket and I excuse myself from the room to answer it.
When I look at the caller ID it flashes 'Simon' but I don't have his number?

"Ah Niall. You picked up finally. No talking just listen," he says.

Wait? He thinks I'm Niall...?

"Ok, I hope you boys have decided whether you're kicking those girls out of your life or forgetting the label. You've got a week," he says and puts the phone down.



"Jade's been a bit i'll go check on her," I say, walking out of the room to see her sat in a chair, staring at the wall, tears pouring from her eyes.

"Jade?" I ask.

She stays in the same position, she doesn't flinch, she doesn't even look alive.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"Is it true?" she whispers, not taking her eyes away from the blank wall.

"Is what tr-"

"Are you leaving us?" she says louder.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You know exactly what I mean."

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