Chapter 43

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Its graduation day. You have no idea how long i've been waiting for this day to come. I'm through with shitty Uni and anything to do with school in general.

"You ready for graduation pretty lady?" Calum asks from the doorway.

"Do I look ready?" I question, presenting myself as I'm already in my gown.

"Yes you do," he laughs.

"Just to think, 7 months ago we were sat in the coffee shop introducing ourselves and now we're graduating together," I grin popping his hat on his head.

"I know, its crazy," he chuckles, taking my hat from the sofa and placing it on my head.

"Lets go!" I cry, slipping on my shoes and dragging him out of the door.

"Are you excited?" He asks as we swing our hands that are still together.

"Just a bit sad my friends couldn't be here with me," I sigh, slipping my hand away from his at the thought of Niall.

I still think of him, every moment of every day. I still love him, my god I love him so much it hurts but we haven't spoken since that last night I rang him and he told me he loves me.

In fact, I haven't heard from anyone which I have to say is something I'd never expected. I don't even know how Lucy got on with labour and what the twins are called, I haven't even seen a photo of them. Twitter hasn't even come into the equation and I expected millions of pictures and tweets about Harry's little family but nothing.

"Jade, earth to Jade?" Calum says, waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"Lets just go," I smile, shaking my sadness away.

We walk into the big hall where the graduation is going to be held and we're going to have some pre-ceremony drinks.

"I got you a cider because you're a big girl now," Calum jokes handing me a red cup.

"Well thanks," I laugh, taking it from him and gulping half of it down.

He gets one himself and we wait whilst all the friends and family make their way into the hall to take their seats.

I can see my parents and brother at the back waving and smiling over at me and I send them a smile back.

Once the head of the University has made her speech, I watch everyone in the line before me make their speeches.

I hear each one of them say how happy they are to have all of their friends and family here to support them which made me want to cry because I couldn't have all the ones I love in here.

"Calum Hood!" Our head calls and he makes his way up, occasionally looking at me throughout the speech but I'm not listening, my head won't stop spinning. All I can think about is how much I want them here, how much I want him here.

As I go to walk up the stairs for my small speech, the headmistress doesn't call my name and so I stay where I am and watch others go before me. I try not to think too much of it.

When it finally comes for me to make my speech I stand on the stairs behind the podium.

"Hi everyone," I begin with a smile.

Suddenly, the podium's removed and I'm lifted up by two big men in uniform to then be sat down on a chair and curtains open to a large stage.

"Whats happening?" I mouth to Calum and he shrugs his shoulders.

I'm carried onto the stage, still sat in my chair and suddenly the spotlight's down on me and my robe and hat are removed, taken off stage and I'm left in my tight black dress.

I hear the crackle of speakers above me and peer around to try see what was happening.

It's then that I hear it.

Those four beautiful chords being strum gently and the pit of my stomach fill with butterflies.

It's him.

I gasp as happy tears fall from my eyes.

"How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can..." The song begins and I hold my hands up to my face, its actually him.

"How long will I need you?
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan...

How long will I be with you?
As long as the sea is bound to
Crash upon the sand" he sings angelically.

I look towards the bottom of the hall, the double doors opening.

I see him, his beautiful smile, that glimpse of his light blonde hair peeking through in the light.

"How long will I want you?
As long as you want me to
And longer by far...
How long will I hold you?
As long as your father told you
As long as you can"

He begins to walk up the middle of everyone, holding my guitar, his smile sparkling and his bright blue eyes striking mine as always. A small tear rolls down his cheek as does mine.

"How long will I give to you?
As long as I live through you
However long you say.
How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above
And longer if I may...."

As he gets closer and closer, I can almost smell his cologne, my favourite, and he begins to go up the steps that lead to the stage.

"How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you," he whispers the ending, making me break down in tears.

I throw my arms around him with joy as the auditorium fills with cheers and clapping from the audience.

I look up, he's towering above me, looking into my eyes as a small tears dropped from his cheek.
I wipe it away and we both share a small laugh.

"Niall I love you," I cry as he wipes under my eye where a small tear is rolling.

"I love you more," he whispers, looking into my eyes and back down at my lips.

I put my hands on his collar and pull him towards me, placing my lips against his.

I feel the saltiness of the tears mixed with the sweetness of his lips and its exactly what I need.

Niall pulls away pressing our foreheads together and it feels like we're the only two people here.

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