Chapter 53- "the future"

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I awake to the sound of a muffled cry coming from Darcy's cot and drag myself out of bed for the fifth time tonight.
I pick her up out of her blanket, and she cries softly as I shush her, who ever knew being a mum is this hard, I think.

"I'll take her," Harry offers, his voice putting a smile on my face.

"Its fine Harry, go back to sleep," I insist, rocking her in my arms as she peers at me with her green eyes.

"No, you've already gotten up the past 3 times tonight so let me," he says, getting out of bed and taking her from me before kissing my head.

I smile gratefully and sink into the mattress, hoping to fall asleep as the sun's nearly rising.


The smell of bacon drifts into my nostrils, I open my eyes checking the time; 9:30am.
I get out of bed, tying my hair up in a loose ponytail and slipping on some shorts before skipping into the kitchen after putting on my glasses.

"Morning," Cara chimes from the stove, the bacon sizzling in the pan.

"Bacon sandwiches," I grin, licking my lips.

"Yes, nothing like a bacon sandwich on a morning is there," she smiles, putting some on a bread-cake and handing it to me.

"Thanks chef," I laugh taking it in the living room where Zayn, Li and Niall are sat eating their's.

"Morning gorgeous," Niall smiles, pecking me gently as I sit down next to him.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Lucy and Harry are asleep. I could hear Darcy screaming from my room the first couple of times so god knows how they slept and I don't know where Sophie is," Liam sighs.

"I can only imagine how tired they are. Sophie was here last night right?" I say, turning my attention to the television.

"Yeah she was but she wasn't here this morning and she won't answer any of my calls," Liam says.

Suddenly, speak of the devils, Lucy and Harry walk in looking like death.

"Morning," I smile, them both rubbing their eyes and plonking themselves down on the sofa next to me.

"Yeah morning," Lucy yawns, resting her head on Harry's shoulder.

"Rough night?" Liam asks, getting up to take his plate in the kitchen.

A soft hum comes from Harry's lips in reply and I chuckle, I've decided to wait a long time until I become a parent.

"Why don't we all go out today with Darcy?" I suggest, taking a bite of the second half of my sandwich.

"Like where?" Zayn asks me.

"That adorable little park a few stretches down the road. We might as well take advantage of the outdoors while we have the chance," I grin.

"That'd be great," Lucy smiles as Harry drapes an arm across her waist.

"Then we shall do it," I cry, jumping off the sofa after finishing my sandwich and taking it into the kitchen.

I go into my room walking up to my closet for an outfit, its really hot outside today so shorts it is.
I get out some plain black shorts and a white tank before slipping my brown kimono on over the top and beginning on my make up.

"Hey love," Ni smiles walking into the room and sitting on the bed watching me.

"Hi," I reply, applying coats of mascara to my lashes.

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