Chapter 3

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The alarm clock goes off and I groan, throwing my pillow over my head. Wait. What? It's Saturday.

"Rise and shine Jade, we have to prepare for tonight!" Vanessa squeals.

"Really? Can't we do that later?," I say as politely as I can, pulling the covers over my head.

"It will take me all day to choose an outfit. Now, get into the kitchen for breakfast," Vanessa insists, taking my bed cover with her.

I have no choice but to get up now, so I put on my dressing gown and meet her in the kitchen.

She hums a song as she cooks some pancakes.

"Wow, i've got a room mate who can cook?" I ask, taking a seat at the bar.

She slides the plate in front of me and smiles. "I wouldn't call pancakes cooking."

"Thanks. My other roommate used to steal my food so," I say with my mouth full.

"You're welcome," she replies, putting hers on a plate and taking a seat next to me.

"Good morning ladies," Louis says, walking through the front door.

"What, how did you get in?" I ask.

"He has a key," Vanessa shrugs as he snakes his arms around her from behind.

"Morning angel," he smiles, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You just want a pancake, don't you," Vanessa laughs, eating the last of it, unhooking herself from him and taking our plates to the sink.

"No, I just think you're an angel," he smirks.

"I'm going back to bed," I state, running away and diving face first back into bed.

"Oh come on Jade. Louis go away now we have to get ourselves ready for Harry's birthday," Vanessa says, pushing him out the door.

"It's 9am you psychopath," he says and she just rolls her eyes and keeps pushing until he's gone.

"Lets get your outfit sorted," she says excitedly, opening my wardrobe.

At least I can trust her with this decision. Vanessa chooses a simple skin tight, black strappy dress that hugs my figure quite nicely.

"Here," she smiles, "simple but effective."

"Thank you," I grin, laying it out on my bed for later.

"You're welcome," she says, then rushes to her wardrobe.

I watch her as she rakes through the racks back and forth before settling on something. She chooses a white, strappy dress with a small frill along the bottom.

"That's so pretty," I tell her.

She smiles at me, "it's my favourite!"


We both go about our plans for the day and soon enough it's time to get ready. By the time we have, it's already 6:30 and the boys, Lucy and Cara, are coming to get us  at 7 so we're ready just in time to relax before they arrive.

Vanessa's curled her hair a little tighter to make it look thicker as she has barely anything on near her shoulders or neck and I straightened mine.

"Wow, you look great," she smiles.

"Thanks, as do you," I reply.

There's a loud bang at the door and Vanessa goes round the sofa to open it. Five boys and the girls are smiling from ear to ear as they stand in the hall.

"Hey, why don't we hang here? Pre drinks til seven?" Vanessa suggests, opening the door wider for them.

Everyone agrees and takes a place in the living room.

Vanessa brings drinks for everyone and the party looks like it's beginning in our flat.

"You look really pretty Jade," Cara says, looking at my dress, us two in the corner of the living room.

"aw thank you, Vanessa chose it," I say, giving her a grateful smile.

"You look really nice too," I say and she smiles in return.

"Well I think everyone looks nice," Harry smirks when he approaches us both.

"You would Harry," Lucy comments when she walks by.

"Hey it was only a compliment," he says, holding his hands up.

Lucy rolls her eyes at his comeback. I spend about 20 minutes with this new group of friends i've made, chatting laughing and drinking.

"I'm bored, shall we go?" Niall speaks up.

"Yeah lets," Cara replies, getting up from being next to Niall and walking straight up by his side when we leave our flat.

I watch them as they walk closely together, are they an item?

"Everything looks good on you Jade, but jealousy isn't one of them," Harry winks, then walks away smirking. I'm left confused and shocked by his comment.

"Are you alright Jade?" Lucy asks.

I nod, but it can't have been very convincingly because she tries to question me more.

"You don't look it, I can tell," she says.

"I'm perfectly fine," I tell her, walking quickly up to Zayn and Liam.

"Those two are really hitting it off," Liam says, nodding his head towards Cara and Niall.

"I reckon, they're definitely in bed together by the end of the night," Zayn whispers to Liam, so they can't hear him.

"It's been a long time coming but I'm not sure if Cara would let it happen so easily. Is that a bet Malik?" Liam asks.

"Oh yes. I bet you a 20 that they will at least kiss tonight," Zayn agrees, holding out his hand.

"Deal," Liam chuckles, accepting it.

My stomach tightens. Maybe I am a little bit jealous. Only because I think Niall's
extremely good looking. It must be his pretty blue eyes.

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