Chapter 97- "you look beautiful"

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I wake up with Liam sleeping soundly next to me, I kiss him softly and watch as his eyes flutter open.

"Mm good morning" he smiles, obviously liking the way I woke him up.

"Morning," I giggle, snuggling into his side.

"What do you want to do today?" he asks, kissing the side of my head.

"Anything. As long as it gets to be just the two of us," I reply, resting my hand on his chest.

"We can do whatever you want," he smiles.

"I heard there's a fair a couple of miles away, maybe we could go there if you guys don't have a concert tonight?" I suggest.

"That sounds good. I'll check with Simon and see if it's alright."

I get out of bed and search through the drawers for something to throw on.

Pulling out a long sleeve white top and some low cut grey joggers I place them on the bed before putting them both on and walking to the bathroom. 

After washing my face and brushing my teeth I make my way into the living room and sit down next to Jade who's currently holding Isaac in her arms.

"How's this little man doing?" I ask Jade, pinching Isaac's cheek lightly.

"He's been up all night long and Niall didn't budge so I'm seriously tired," she sighs.

"Having kids is tough right," I chuckle.

"Very very tough. Especially when you have double the amount of work to do," she breathes, rocking Isaac in her arms.

"Mornin love, Ella's in her crib she's sleeping. I'm so sorry I didn't get up last night I was out of it," he tells me.

"Yeah I could see that, Isaac was up every two hours on the dot last night," she says.

"I'm sorry. Here, give him to me i'll feed him," Niall smiles.

Jade hands Isaac over and lays back into the sofa shutting her eyes.

Niall leaves the room and half an hour he's back and Jade is sound asleep. I watch as he gently takes her into his arms and carries her to their room.

Harry waltzes in with Darcy on his shoulders giggling.

"Darcy have you up all night too?" I ask him.

"No she was good as gold but I could hear Isaac screaming," he says, putting Darcy on the floor.

"Sorry mate, Jade did her best," Niall tells Harry.

"I aren't blaming her I know what newborns are like," Harry shrugs.

I get up and go to get some cereal before taking it back into the living room and eating it as I watch some television.

Liam comes in and kisses my cheek, sitting down next to me.

"Ok what time do you want to go down to the fair?" he asks.

"We can go?" I smile.

"Yep, just got off the phone with Simon and he says its fine cause we've got the day off," Liam tells me putting his arm around my shoulders.

"We should go around one o'clock or something then shouldn't we," I grin.

"Yeah I'm gonna get some breakfast and then i'll get ready and go."

"Ok I should go now cause I will definitely take longer than you," I laugh, putting the rest of my cereal in the bin.

Walking to the bedroom, I root through my closet for something appropriate to wear, a skirt won't be because if we go on some roller coasters the whole park will see my pants.

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