Chapter 66- "where were we?"

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"Jade I-" I begin.

"How could you do this? How could you possibly even think of leaving us, of leaving Vanessa in a hospital bed?" She mutters, small droplets of tears cascading down her cheeks.

"We're not," I protest.

"Then why is Simon calling Niall and asking him if he's made up his mind? Niall had the nerve to shout at me for not knowing what I should do in my University situation yet he hasn't even decided himself yet," she shouts.

"Jade its our career or the people we love, like you said its a hard decision," I cries.

"Niall says it was an easy one. Why isn't he proving that statement hm?" She asks, still crying.

"I don't know Jade-"

"Exactly. Get out of my way," she mutters, pushing past me and running out of the doors.

I sigh deeply and walk back into Vanessa's room, its time to tell her.


I run out of the exit and fall to the floor, hugging my knees as I cry my eyes out.
I know people are be staring but I can do what I want.
I attempt to unlock my phone, then realising i've picked up Niall's by accident and thats why Simon called.

His lock screen is the picture of me and him with Darcy, I hug it to my chest letting out small sobs.

He's obviously going to pick his career over me any day, I wouldn't blame him but my heart breaks each time I admit that to myself.

His phone vibrates and he's gotten a text:

From: my girl x
Hey babe, its Ni, you took my phone by mistake love x

I lock the phone, my eyes still leaking and hold my head in my hands letting myself cry as hard as I want.

"Excuse me miss are you ok?" Someone asks.

I look up and a nurse is stood over me looking very concerned.

"I'm fine," I sniff, wiping my eyes.

She nods, realising I just want space and walks back into the hospital.
I get myself up and decide to take a walk as far away from everyone as possible.

I soon reach a small cafe in town and order myself a frap before taking a seat at a two table and sipping it as I feel the hurt in my stomach. I love Niall so much, I can't live without him but its obvious he can live without me so why not go to University?

He won't care, none of them will, even Harry who has a baby girl is unsure about going on tour and imagine how heart broken Lucy will be.

"Can I get you anything else?" Someone asks and I look up to find the waiter smiling at me.

"Uh, i'll get another frap please," I smile, wiping my eyes and he nods taking my cup from me.

As I look out of the window I notice the woman I spoke to from my University make her way towards the shop door.
She looks over to me whilst waiting in the line and I gesture for her to sit down.
Once she's gotten her drink she takes a seat before me.

"Hello, lovely to see you again," she smiles.

"And you," I reply.

"Did you receive our emails today only we still haven't gotten a reply yet?" She asks.

"I haven't had chance to look at them i'm sorry," I apologise.

"Its alright, we just wanted to know your decision thats all," she says.

"Actually I was meaning to talk to you about that-" and I'm cut off my Niall's phone ringing in my pocket.

"Excuse me a minute," I smile and go outside answering it.

"Hello?" I sigh.

"Hey where are you?" Niall asks.

"I'm at a coffee shop in town why?" I say.

"We need to talk about something important, let me pick you up what's the name of it?" he questions.

"Checks," I inform him.

"Ok see you in ten," he says and hangs up.

I walk back into the shop and sit down again.

"So, what were you saying?" She asks.

The waiter brings me a drink, managing to trip over a table leg and spilt the frap all over our table so I grab some tissues and help clean up before explaining that it doesn't matter about a second drink.

"Ok where were we?" The woman asks.

"Oh, my decision about University. I think I would very much like it if-" I'm stopped by a hand being set on my shoulder and that familiar sensation travelling through my body makes me want to burst into tears.

"Hey, we need to go," Niall tells me.

"I am so sorry. I promise I will email you as soon as I'm home ok?" I say to the lady.

"Yes love thank you," she nods and waves me off.

We drive home and Niall goes to make us both a coffee and I grab my laptop clicking onto my emails.
I hover over the reply button to University and eventually forced myself to type out the reply.

Dear University,

Hi, I am just informing you that I would like to accept my place for University. Please pass on any information needed and I will get to work on preparing myself for my first term.
Many thanks,
Jade Thirlwall.

I hit send, the knot in my stomach forming, I don't even realise I've been crying whilst writing it until I feel the wetness of my cheeks.

"Here you go love," Niall smiles, handing me my hot cup.

I thank him and he sits across from me, well here goes the part where he tells me he's leaving me for the tour and I have a mental break down.

"So, that meeting with Simon," he begins, I can feel the lump in my throat already.

"He told us that we either go on tour and leave you girls behind or we stay with you and we get dropped from the label. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't want you to worry about it," he explains further and I feels the tears dripping from my eyes again.

"Somehow, I contacted our lawyer and he found a way around this which means we go on tour but you'll be right with us every step of the way," he smiles, wiping away my tears.

"What?" I whisper.

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