Chapter 1

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Our car finally comes to a standstill.
After hours of sitting listening to the same playlist and scrolling through everything in my phone, i'm free to stretch my legs.

It's my first day at my new University and I don't really know what to expect. I shouldn't be nervous, i've moved to a lot of different schools through my childhood.

I hate settling down in a new place. You have to start all over again. We've travelled from all sorts of places for my dad's job, so everywhere I go I feel like I barely have time to fit in before i'm whisked away.

It gets pretty tiring having to make new friends constantly.

"Come get your bags please Jade," mum says from the boot of the car.

This whole thing of moving to University was my mum's idea, I personally don't really want to but I'd otherwise have nothing else to do with my life.

"You don't need to be so sad," she smiles, squeezing my cheeks.

I roll my eyes, "i'm fine mum I promise," I say with a small smile. Her and my dad help me with all my things and we walk to the reception.

My mum tells me to sit down whilst she looks at some paper work with the woman at the front desk.

After about ten minutes, my mum shouts me to come and get the key to my flat. I stand up, taking my things.

As I turn to towards her, I walk into someone, dropping my bags.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry," I say, bending down to pick up my things.

"Its ok. I should've been watching where I was going," someone replies.

I look up from my crouching position on the floor, for my eyes to be met by blue ones.

"I'm Niall," he smiles, standing up with a few of my things in his arms.

"Hi, I'm Jade," I smile, claiming my baggage from him, a furious blush on my cheeks.

"I have to get to class, I'll see you around," he grins, jogging off to a group of boys outside.

Each one of them turn their gaze to me. I'm a little embarrassed at how I've decided to dress now.

I have my light brown hair up in a messy bun, my black glasses sitting on my nose and my grey sweatshirt that is like two years old.
Being in such a rush this morning, i'd just thrown on some leggings and grabbed my white converse to keep me comfortable.

"Jade? Earth to Jade!" my mum shouts from the desk.

Quickly snapping out of my thoughts, I rush towards her, grabbing the key and make a run for the open elevator.

"No one is going anywhere without a hug," my dad shouts, dragging me back.

I sigh in defeat and stand as they hug, kiss and cry for ten minutes before they finally release me and I can make my way to the second floor.


I'm sorry if this is the shittest chapter you've ever read but it gets better just keep reading.


Please comment your opinions or your thoughts because I love to get feedback so yh

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