Chapter 46- "just get here now"

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Jade's sound asleep next to me, Darcy crying lightly in her cot.

I pull my arms from around Jade and check the time. It's literally 1:00am and the rest of them aren't back yet.

Getting out of bed, I stumble over to the cot, carefully lifting Darcy out and cradling her in my arms.

"Please just go to sleep Darcy," I beg quietly as not to wake up Jade.

Darcy suddenly lets out a piercing scream, struggling and kicking in my arms.

"Ni?" Jade asks, fluttering open her eyes.

"Its only me love, Darcy's crying, I just need to go get her a bottle. Can you get her a second?" I ask, getting up from the bed.

She nods tiredly, holding out her arms as she sits up in bed.

"Come here Darcy," she smiles, taking her from me.

I skip into the kitchen and put the bottle in the holder to heat up.
After a minute or so, I take it out, squirting a bit on the back of my hand and the temperature's just right.

As I walk back towards the room, I stop in the doorway, watching Jade with Darcy. She's smiling down at her, talking baby talk as she rocks her.

Her hair's in it's natural curl, all her make up washed off, she looks so tired yet so perfect. She gently kisses Darcy on her forehead and runs her fingers through her curls resting her head against the head board in tiredness.

"I've got it," I grin, jogging up to the bed.

"It took you long enough," she chuckles, taking it from me and giving it to Darcy.

"Sorry love," I mumble as I watch Darcy in her little bubble of content as she drinks from the bottle.

"Doesn't she just remind you of Harry?" I ask.

"Its those beautiful green eyes isn't it," she cooes, poking Darcy's tummy.

After she's had the bottle, Jade puts her in her cot, kissing her cheek and snuggles back into my side in bed.

"You will be the perfect mother someday," I sigh as I snake my arm around Jade's waist.

"I hope so. But nobody is perfect," she mutters, shutting her eyes.

"You're perfect to me," I smile, kissing her temple and drifting to sleep.


The sound of music fills my dreams,
Happily, its even my ringtone.

Wait, is that a vibrating sound?

I open my eyes, squinting at the harsh light on the bedside table and turn over out of Niall's arms to my phone ringing and vibrating on the drawers.

Getting out of bed, I look at the caller ID, its Zayn.

"Hello?" I answer groggily, as I sit on the end of the bed.

"Jade, help me, please we need help. I don't know what to do," he cries, sounds of sobbing heard over the line.

I'm suddenly fully awake and panicking.

"Zayn whats going on?" I ask, feeling nerves in my stomach.

"Jade please get help. Just please get help for us," He shouts.

"Zayn where are you?" I cry, jumping off the bed and shaking Niall.

He wakes up in shock of being shaken so roughly but as soon as he sees how worried I am, he seems wide awake.

"Jade whats happened?" Niall asks me.

"I don't know, Zayn won't tell me," I cry.

"Jade were in Times Square! Just outside the uh....uh....the uh the the Lockland Hotel," Zayn shouts down the phone, as I hear cries and car horns along with other people shouting.

"Zayn tell me whats happened?" I beg, tears stinging my eyes.

"Just get here now," Zayn replies sternly and the phone goes dead.

"Ni, what do we do?" I ask him, as he holds me.

"We go to him, he needs us so grab the baby and I'll get a car for us," he suggests, pulling from my grip and grabbing a shirt and some joggers along with his converse.

"Get me one of your shirts and some leggings please," I ask Niall as I lift Darcy from her cot.

"Ok love here," he says, handing me his black tank and my black leggings.

He gets my Uggs from the closet and I slip them on, cradling Darcy in her blanket.

"Lets go!" Niall says as we hop out of the door and meet Paul outside by the car.

"Hi guys, it is 3:00 am you know," Paul reminds us, but I couldn't care less right now.

"Paul just don't ask questions we need to go," I cry.

"Why are y-"

"No questions Paul," Niall objects, pulling me round to the car as we jump in and direct the driver, telling him to step on it.

Niall grips tightly onto my hand, as a tear rolls down my cheek in anxiousness, Darcy still soundly sleeping in my right arm.

"Babe it will all be ok," Niall assures, kissing my cheek, although I can hear the shaking in his voice.

"But what if something is seriously wrong?" I fret.

"It will all be-" and then he stops.

I see blue flashing lights and a siren rings through my ears giving me immediate headache.

I look out of the window, a crowd of people surround a pedestrian walk and cars are scattered everywhere.

Through the sea of people I can just make out Zayn and the rest of them, Lucyns holding onto Harry, tears rolling from her eyes and Zayn looking traumatised.

"Niall," I cry, slapping his chest.

Gently giving him Darcy, I open my car door.

"Jade wait!" He cries as I push open the door, running out, pushing and shoving through the bodies.

"Jade don't!" Sophie shouts to me as I reach the front of the crowd and make my way through everyone.

An ambulance is parked up in front of the pedestrian walk, it's flashing lights blinding me.

I see a mop of brunette hair by the side of an ambulance worker.
I notice it immediately and feel sick to my stomach.
I swallow the lump in my throat and cautiously walk up to her, knocking a male worker out of the way.

"Excuse me," I say as he tries to hold me back.

"Miss, you can't go past this line," he insists, trying to hold me back again.

But I notice the figure, her brown hair, her clothes, her face. Its Vanessa, laying there, limp and blood covering her head.

"Vanessa," I choke, suddenly becoming dizzy.

The voices around me become faint and my vision gets blurry.

Before I know it, everything goes black and I feel a hard crash against the back of my head.

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