Chapter 84- "it's too much of a risk"

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I sigh as I sit in bed, still staring at my lock screen just awaiting that one message from that one person that I know will never come.

"Hi, I just need to go somewhere, my classes don't start while 12 and it's only nine thirty so i'll be back soon," Acacia smiles, though not her perky self and leaves.

I get myself up, taking my phone into the living room with me and put on some re runs of friends as I sink into the sofa.


Hitting my fist against the door I wait for it to open.

"What now Acacia?" Noah groans.

"Noah I have to talk to you," I say, he rolled his eyes, "please?" I ask.

He raises his eyebrows, clearly unhappy in my presence but gestures me in anyway.

"Ok, what more could there possibly be to talk about?" He asks.

"You know what. Jade's baby is nearly here and that means that you need to keep away from her," I order.

"Acacia, I aren't going to try it on with Jade. She loves Niall and her baby. Just cause he isn't in the equation at the minute doesn't mean that I'll pounce," he huffs.

"I would not be surprised," I mumbles.

"Acacia seriously? I've explained everything to you. I'm not that type of guy," He cries.


I get up from the sofa and decide to go see Noah, he hasn't spoken to me in ages so it will be nice to see him.

After locking the dorm, I make my way quickly to his door where I hear lots of shouting.


"Noah I loved you. You knew I loved you and yet you did that to me. You completely cut me from the equation and I felt so pushed aside by you. Especially for her, she wasn't even single, I mean why would you even go for her anyway?" I reply in anger.

"Like I said to you Acacia, she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend? Plus she is a really nice girl so I went for it. Do you actually blame me for that?" Noah shouts.

"No. I don't blame you for anything. Apart from the fact that you lead me on and then really hurt my feelings when I found out about you and that-" I croak, nearly in tears as I stop myself saying something about her.

"Don't cry Acacia," Noah mumbles, coming to hug me.

"Don't touch me," I his, moving away, "I came here to tell you to keep away. Don't get involved with Jade Noah, she has a good life don't mess it up," I mutter, holding back the tears and opening his door to find Jade staring at me wide eyed.

"Jade," I say, running away and to our dorm as fast as I can.


I run my hands through my hair, scratching the back of my neck as Jade comes in, closing the door behind her.

"Can you explain to me what all that was about?" She asks me, sitting on my sofa.

"It's kinda hard to explain," I sigh.

"Noah," she glares.

"Ok ok," I say holding my hands up.

"Acacia and I know each other. We went to the same College and I found out one day that she had a thing for me. I knew she was a beautiful girl, she was in all my classes. I really liked her too and we chatted for a while and she grew on me. One day I came to the realisation that I wasn't ready for a serious relationship and I knew that's what she wanted," I begin.

I look at Jade who nods her head for me to go on.

"Then there came this girl. She had a boyfriend but she came onto me so I assumed that they'd finished. I knew it was nothing serious so I got with her for the fun and excitement until I found out she had still got her boyfriend which then left me with a black eye."

"Ok i'm following," Jade hums.

"Acacia found out, it broke her heart but I explained everything and to this day she still doesn't believe that I never knew about the girl's boyfriend."

"So she was warning you away from me?" Jade asks.

"Yes and she won't stop either," I sigh.

"It's ok Noah. I know you wouldn't do that. Plus, i'm more concentrated on the baby than anything else," she mutters.

Her eyes divert from mine to her stomach, they look so dull and glassy.

"Heard from Niall recently?" I question.

She shakes her head and suddenly bursts into tears as I run round to her side and pull her into me letting her cry.


I hug my phone to my chest as I take deep breaths.
Looking back down at the screen, her number in my notes, I want to cry.

I can't keep this from him.

"Niall," I call.

He's in the living room with Liam.

"What?" He replies.

"I need to talk to you," I tell him.

"Alright," he says as I wait on the bed for him.

Suddenly hands from behind me take my phone from my clutch.
I spin round to see Zayn sat on the bed behind me frowning as he looks at my phone.

"Are you serious?" He hisses.

"Zayn he deserves to have it," I cry.

"No Cara. Our career is on the line and you're willing to just hand this out acting like if Simon found out he wouldn't care but Cara he would cut us from his label," Zayn shouts.

"I got him Jade's number then told him I didn't Zayn. I have her number right there and Niall could be so happy. He could find out he's going to be a dad," I plead trying to reach for it.

"No! Cara you can't do that to us," Zayn objects.

"Look at the state he is in without her Zayn. I hear him cry himself to sleep every night and this that could stop it," I sigh.

"It's too much of a risk," Zayn huffs.

"He loves her Zayn," I say through gritted teeth.

"And I love our career, i'm sorry I don't want it thrown away," he spits.

I watch in disgust as he hovers over the bin in the corner of my notes and then he clicks it.

"Zayn," I shout.

"It's for the best." he says bluntly, walking out.

"I fucking hate you," I scream, burying my head into the pillow and crying with frustration.

"Cara what was all that about?" Niall asks, his blue eyes that dark shade when he's been crying.

"It's nothing. And forget about that talk Ni, it doesn't matter," I sniff, rubbing my tears away.

He walks away without a word.

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