Chapter 22

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Its 10:52, precisely eight minutes before i'm supposed to be outside, telling everyone I'm going with them.

And am I?

Nope, I'm sat in bed, staring at the same four walls I have been for the past half an hour.

My mascara is down my face, leaving small patches of white where my foundation's rubbed off.

So lets be real, I look a state.

I drag myself off the bed and push the loose hair out of my face.

Sloping into the bathroom, I grab the make-up wipes and dab over my face before not bothering to patch up and just smothering myself with the wet wipe taking it all off.

I look in the mirror at my red pours blasting out extremely noticeably and sigh moping back into bed.

It's at 10:55 that the front door slams and I shoot my head towards the bedroom door that's being opened.

"What the hell are you doing?" Vanessa screams, referring to me laid in bed.

"Laying in bed," I sass, turning my attention to the television.

"You should be out there telling all the guys you're coming with us and I have five minutes before that taxi arrives so get your arse out of bed now," she orders, grabbing my suitcase.

"No," I insist, making her spin round, a glare in her eyes.

"Yes Jade. You're coming and if I have to drag you there by your ponytail, I will," she cries, yanking at my arm.

"You just don't understand do you? I am not going with you. I've changed my mind. So drop it," I yell, ragging my suitcase from her grip and throwing it in the wardrobe.

"Fine. But just so you know, its Niall that you're hurting by not going. So just think about that," she huffs, storming out of the dorm.

I throw myself onto the bed, does she think I don't know that?

I so badly want to go with Niall, in fact I so desperately want to go with Niall but Harry will be there too and Harry isn't a good thing for me right now.

Especially seen as we just had sex again, but that's all we have, a relationship between us wouldn't work when all we have is a physical connection.
And that physical connection is too hard to stop it just wouldn't help the situation at all.

I get a sudden vibration from somewhere on the bed and rummage through the covers to find it right at the bottom of the bed.

It's a text from Vanessa.

I've managed to make the taxi come at 20 past, just in case you change your mind.You have twenty minutes to decide Jade. You're welcome.

I groan, locking my phone and throwing it back to the end of the bed, before running to the bathroom, and applying some light mascara.

I then grab my phone, slip on my converse and make my way down to the lounge for a coffee (as per).

Once I get there, I order a large and sit in my favourite corner. I can feel the expression on my face sadden and I let it, I just stare out of the window, lost in my thoughts.

"Are you ok?" a worker asks me.

I nod slowly, obviously not convincing her and she shakes her head, sitting opposite me.

"Come on, this is my break time so tell me what's bothering you," she grins, moving her tray onto a different table.

"What would you do if you had the opportunity to be with someone you really like, but you have a strong physical connection with someone else? And then, you're invited to a trip and the person you had sex with will be there and you don't want to go because of that," I gasp, saying it all in one breath.

"I would go. You might not get an opportunity to be that close to the person you like again. Trust me, been there, got the t-shirt. Just go," she smiles, rising from her chair.

I peer at the name badge she's wearing.

"Thank you..Sophie," I grin, giving her my coffee cup and running through the halls.

It's 11:16 and I have four minutes to be out there for Niall.

As I get closer to my dorm, it feels like the door keeps getting further and further away from me and its now 18 minutes past.

I fumble with the keys and shove it in the lock, twisting it frantically.

I race into my bedroom, grabbing my packed suitcase, shoving my make-up, phone charger and other small things in before heaving it out of the door and locking it behind me.

Hurriedly, I reach the lift, hoping this would be a quicker way to get down there and press the ground button, tapping my foot anxiously.

Once i'd reach the ground floor, I head towards the exit, its literally just gone 20 minutes past and I can see his blonde hair escaping into the taxi.

"Niall," I yell, trying to scramble through the doors.

His door bangs shut and the driver revs up the engine.

"Niall," I call again, dropping my suitcase, as the car begins to drive away.

"Niall wait," I shout, running after the car.

But it's now I realise, he can't hear me, he isn't turning around, he's gone.

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