Chapter 56- "something wrong?"

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I get up with a  feeling like my brain is trying to push its way out of my head.

I groan and hold my head in pain feeling like I want to cry.

"What's wrong babe?" Niall mumbles, his seriously attractive morning voice giving me goosebumps.

"I am so stupid," I say, regretting drinking so much.

"Want me to go get you some tablets?" he offers realising what I mean.

"Please," I say, feeling the throbbing begin.

"My god, I am never drinking again," I cry.

Niall chuckles as he exits the room and I curl up in a ball breathing in his scent from the bed sheets.

A hand rests on my back and I sit up taking the glass of water and two tablets from Niall before gulping them down with the drink and flopping back into bed.

"Ni what if I throw up? I don't want to be sick," I moan, holding my head.

"If you're sick i'll be right here," Niall says, kissing me gently before slipping back into bed and draping his arm around my front holding me into him.

I try to get back to sleep but it feels like my stomach's doing somersaults and there's a hammer being thrown at my head constantly.

"I can't stand this," I sigh, sitting myself up and getting out of bed, only to feel my legs go from underneath me and I go crashing to the floor hitting my head on the wardrobe.

Letting out a cry of pain, I sit up and hold the back of my head in agony.

Niall shoots bolt right up in bed and immediately jumps out, rushing to my side.

"What did you do?" He asks, sitting behind me and rubbing my arms, "move your hand," he mumbles.

Once I remove my hand, through the blurriness of all my tears I see red all over my fingertips.

"Niall i'm bleeding," I panic, feeling sick.

"Its ok, you've just got a small cut that's all," he soothes, helping me up as I basically fall into his arms.

I still don't think this alcohol is fully out of my system just yet.

He takes me into the toilet and moves my hair out of the way before he cleans me up and carries me back to bed.

"Try not to move so quickly love, it will make things a whole lot worse for yourself," he says, laying me down and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Can things get any worse?" I rhetorically ask.

He laughs at me and pulls me into his chest as I shut my eyes mentally begging god to take the pain away.

"Are both of you seriously still in bed?" Cara says from the door.

I flip her off, not in the mood.

"Jade has a tad hangover," Niall explains.

"Haven't we all," she groans, sloping off in a different direction.

"I feel dreadful," I sigh, tracing designs into Niall's chest with my fingertips.

"Don't do that," he smiles.

"Why do you think i'm doing it?" I smirk.

"Well you're still drunk and I aren't the type of guy to take advantage of that," he chuckles, individualizing a strand of my hair and twirling it around his fingers.

"Shame," I tease, looking up at his confused face with a slight smirk on it.

"No Jade," he says, turning his head away, clearly realising what I'm implying, but I tap his chin with my finger and he turns to look at me as I begin placing small kisses along his jawline feeling him tense up immediately.

"Something wrong?" I grin, stopping.

"No," he says, pulling me towards him and pressing his lips onto mine as I get up and straddle his waist.

Once we pull away for air, I still feel worse, that sudden outburst of eagerness must have caused it so I just pull him to me and rest my chin on his shoulder.

But he rubs the small of my back with his fingertips sending me crazy and then begins planting kisses up my neck sending chills through my spine.

"Something wrong?" He asks, mocking me.

"No," I breathe, wanting more.

He chuckles, "come on i'll take you into the living room to get you some breakfast," he says, giving me one last kiss.

"I don't even have any pyjamas on," I says.

He rummages through his drawer and hands me a white shirt before lifting me off the bed and making me get onto his back then carrying me out into the living room where everyone's dying like myself.

"Morning," I groan as Niall puts me down carefully on the sofa so I don't spew my guts up.

All I get are groans or murmurs in reply to that one.

"So everyone got hammered last night then?" Niall asks, sitting beside me resting a hand on my thigh.

"It appears so," Liam mumbles, looking into his lap.

I exchange a look with Niall remembering last night, vaguely, but I can still remember Liam bringing the brunette home.

"So, Liam, who was the girl?" Niall asks and Liam's eyes grow wide and his cheeks a deep shade of red.

"It doesn't matter," he brushes off.

"Yes it does," I object.

"Who's this girl?" Cara asks, intrigued.

"No one alright, she's gone now anyway," he replies.

"So get her back," I cry, making my head hurt even more by shouting.

"Can we forget about her please?" Liam says, shaking his head.

"Did you even know who she was?" I question.

"I've had enough of this 100 questions game or whatever you're all playing, but my private life behind closed doors is none of your business unless I make it, got it?" he cries, storming out.

Well this day just got a whole lot worse, everyone is in a bad mood and I feel dreadful but its a hangover day so what can I expect.

Author's Note:
Crappy filler, more drama coming soon so be ready, keep voting cus ya love it

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