Chapter 27

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I wake up, my head on someone's chest. Gently, as not to disturb them, I lift my head to see it's Harry's.

Smiling to myself, I shake him slightly.

"Harry, we fell asleep," I whisper as he opens his eyes suddenly.

"Oh, are you ok?" he asks.

I nod, even though deep down, I still want to curl up in a ball and stay there.

"I know you're not though," Harry smiles, holding me in his arms.

"I try to show i'm ok so I aren't forever crying," I sigh.

"Its ok to cry, just not forever," Harry chuckles.

"Maybe you should come into our room, just for a bit and see how you feel?" Harry suggests after minutes of comfortable silence.

"Harry you know I can't see Niall," I say.

"If he's in the bathroom, he's never going to know," Harry says.

"What if he comes out?" I fret.

"Then I will stop him coming near you," Harry assures, making me relax a bit.

"Alright I guess it couldn't hurt," I agree.

"And look Jade about what happened between us, we can forget it. Nothing will come of it clearly so I'm happy to just leave it," he adds.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have let that happen if I didn't know if it would actually go anywhere," I sigh.

"I didn't know what would happen either but now we do and it's ok," he smiles.

He lets me out of his arms, pushing me into the bedroom to get ready.

"I'll go in and tell them," Harry informs me, popping his head around the door.

I nod smiling at him, he always knows what to do or say to help.

I get out my baggy green jumper and some tight legged black joggers, before throwing my hair up and trying to make myself look presentable.

Once I reach their door, I want to turn straight back around and walk into the bedroom but I have to do this because i'll never make anything better.

So, going with that, I twist the handle and slowly make my way into the room where everyone's sitting with big smiles on their faces.

"Hey Jade," Vanessa grins from Louis' lap.

"Hi," I mutter, fiddling with the ends of my jumper sleeves.

"Come sit over here," Sophie says, patting a space next to her on the sofa.

I do as I'm told and sit down next to her.

"Ok, I say we watch some movies," Lucy suggests, throwing her arms in the air.

"Agreed," Cara says immediately as Zayn kisses her temple.

I don't know if I can be around so many couples in one room without wanting to jump out of the window.
Zayn notices me looking away from him and Cara.

We decide to watch Drop Dead Fred, one of my childhood favourites and it cheers me up so much, I feel okay, all my bad thoughts are pushed aside.

"I'm going to get a snack, anyone want anything?" I ask, getting up from the sofa.

"No were ok," Harry replies and I set off to the kitchen.

On my way there, of course I have to pass the bathroom, bringing all the horrid emotions back to me.

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