Chapter 93- "I am so proud of you"

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I sit in my seat shaking as the nurse speaks to me.

"We're sorry but Jade's intake of oxygen was very little through her labour meaning that going through an unexpected birth straight afterwards had a huge effect on her body. She stopped breathing for a few seconds but we've got her in a stable condition for now. She should be fine from this point forward but we're keeping her in for a few more days just to be safe," she informs me.

"Can I see her?" I ask, my lip trembling a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Of course but the babies will have to stay here we're afraid. Nurses will be in the room and see to it that they're monitored while you're gone. They will be safe," she assures as I lay them down in their tiny beds.

"I'll be back soon guys," I whisper, kissing them both on their foreheads.

I follow the nurse out and I'm then taken to where Jade is.

She's asleep, an oxygen mask over her mouth and her hands over her stomach.

"She's sleeping?" I ask the nurse.

"Yes she is. She will wake up eventually, she is very worn out," the nurse tells me, leaving the room.

I slip my fingers through hers and kiss the top of her hand.

"I am so proud of you," I mutter.

*1 Hour Later*

I'm awoken by the slamming of a door for it to be a nurse.

"Oh hi, sorry to wake you," she apologises, "I just came to check how Jade's doing," she smiles.

"No it's alright. I should probably go make some phone calls actually," I yawn, walking out and dialling Zayn's number.

"Hi mate what is happening we had to finish the concert, we're all worried sick," Zayn tells me.

"Jade went into Labour backstage and I had to drive her to the hospital," I explain.

"Woah, congratulations! What did you guys have?" He questions.

"We had a boy and a girl," I grin.

"Twins! Oh my god," he laughs.

I then hear gasps, shouts, cheers and mutters from the other end of the line and i'm assuming I'm on speaker.

"You can come down to the hospital and see them if you want," I say.

"Yeah we'd love to. We'll come now. How's Jade?" He asks, unaware of what just happened.

"Uh, she had little intake of oxygen and she kind of stopped breathing after the birth so she was taken away but she is stable and on an oxygen machine," I explain, my voice cracking as I begin to cry again.

"We'll be right down," Zayn says, ending the call.

I sit outside the room for a few minutes and just think about how quickly these nine months have been.

Jade and I will soon be married, we have two beautiful children and I have the band all in one.

"Mr Horan she's awake," a nurse smiles and I rush in to her bedside.

"You scared the life out of me," I cry, kissing her lips gently.

"So did those twins for me," she chuckles.

"Hey, please don't joke about that," I ask.

"I'm sorry," she mutters.

"We need names for them," I realise.

"Can I see them?" She asks the nurse.

"Of course, Mr Horan would you like me to go get them?" She offers.

I nod, kissing Jade's hand again.

She soon comes back and there are our little bundles of joy in her arms as she lays them in Jade's.

"Oh my god. They're beautiful," she gasps, tears already streaming down her cheeks.

"What do we call them then?" I ask, grinning from ear to ear.

"I think Ella-Grace Horan for her. Do you like it?" She suggests.

I nod, I love it.

"And how about Isaac for this little one," I say, stroking his head.

"He needs a middle name," Jade tells me.

I sit and think for a while when I think of something, it could work, it sounds ok and I like it.

"What about Isaac Leo Horan?" I mumble, watching Jade's eyes light up.

"After Leo Styles?" Jade asks, a tear trickling down her cheek.

I nod, kissing their heads.

"I love it," she smiles, offering Isaac to me which I gladly accept.

I can't believe i'm a dad, I feel so young but it doesn't feel in any way wrong at all.

I suddenly get my phone out and click on a certain contact.

"Hi mum," I say.

"Hello love, how are you?" She asks.

"I'm fantastic. I have some amazing news for you," I cry.

"Well, go ahead," she chuckles.

"Jade went into labour and we got twins," I tell her.

"Twins! Oh my god Niall," she gasps.

I spoke to my mum months ago and told her all about the pregnancy and me and Jade. She already knew we were a couple but not that loads of drama happened so I thought she should know and explained everything to her.

"My little baby has his own little babies! What are their names?" She says as I chuckle.

"We have a baby girl Ella-Grace and our baby boy Isaac," I tell her.

"Niall they're lovely names. And you have one of each how lucky. Anyways i'll have to go tell your father and the rest of the family i'll call you later sweetie and i'll arrange to come visit them. You and Jade too of course. Goodbye I love you," she says.

"Bye, I love you too," I smile, ending the call.

Me and Jade put the now sleeping babies in their beds and await the others.

I carefully lift Ella and lay her next to Isaac wrapping them in the same blanket, a perfect photo opportunity as I've put them in their little hats during Jade's sleep.

I can't help checking on them every five minutes.

I snap the picture with my phone and take to Twitter.

@NiallOfficial: Welcome to the world Ella-Grace and Isaac Leo Horan. I am the proudest daddy in the world, and the proudest fiancé in the world @ItsJade❤️

And I am. I feel like the luckiest person alive right now, I have such a beautiful family and I don't even know how this has all happened so quickly but i'm not complaining.

"I love you," I smile to Jade, reaching for her hand.

"And I love you too," she breathes, her eyes still shut, linking her fingers with mine.

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